Search pastoral psychotherapy on demonic images of God
Why would someone far from God or who professes atheism often comes from a very religious family? This, and many other things that we depend on the image of God, it has a large influence on how we live our relationship with Him
The image that everyone is made of God is in charge of religious distortion, abuse and even atheism. Nothing new, the book of Genesis, already several thousand years ago, had framed the problem at the root of all sin is a false image of God
The author to whom I am referring, of which hint at a glance the contents of the book from which this article is named Karl Frielingsdorf, German Jesuit priest and psychotherapist who has put on paper much of its thirty years of experience as a priest and guide therapy.
Frielingsdorf says, "the influence of parents on education of God's image is in focus: the parent-child translates into practice in their relationship with God Besides the influence of parents, are counted relations with other important figures (grandparents, kindergarten teachers, teachers of religion) and with groups of relationship. "
There is a "key position" assumes that everyone in their lives, which plays an important role in the formation of unconscious images of God "The key position is the basic attitude in front of the unconscious and emotional life, that originated in the early stages of every person in the positive and negative messages from the mother and father. " A comprehensive study on the "unwanted children" says the key position that already begins to take shape in the prenatal stage.
"In early childhood, simultaneously with the formation of the key position - continues the author - is also formed the demonic image of God, which in its rise and development is closely related with the image of God parental ". For example, an atheist with a family behind a strong believer that does not even baptize their children, may in so doing it unconsciously, paid to parents.
The problem arises when one of the images of God offered by the Bible, especially in the Old Testament, became the only one. In life we \u200b\u200bcan never "Think God" as is, our fallible nature prevents us from fully break away from preconceptions, it is still possible to a path of purification.
The author presents a long series of people with his help and especially to the grace of God, have managed to change their position and the resulting key demonic image of God
Many of the demonic image God, the most common are: God judge who punishes, the God of death, accounting God, God's energy, God swindler, tyrant God, God, sex, all these images of God are linked to the image of God court punishes, puts test men and punishes them for their sins, with all kinds of suffering today and hereafter.
The author repeatedly stresses that God's grace perfects nature of man, God is certainly free to do so with an extraordinary gesture to heal at any time, but we should not be taking responsibility away, we are the first to have the job vacated by God also actively contribute to our liberation that without God there can be but even without the man.
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