Hello everyone!
Finally I find a bit 'of calm for having to make!
I'm 33 years old and - for now - try to make ends meet every month in the precarious world of teaching.
are always in a hurry and almost always late.
On the other hand I like sleeping and lounging on the bed in the morning, which I do not hardly ever (purtroppo. ..).
To introduce myself (as well tell you that I have a personal blog about my fiction and poetry, if you like, you can refer to the following address: http://ilmarepensa.blogspot.com/ ) I decided - without being here to make mince words - to offer an excerpt from my favorite novel.
track that gets me every time. Happy reading ...
"That life is difficult to live, sometimes I had previously warned, darkly. Now, I had new reasons to daydream. Until now, I never lost the feeling of contrast is rooted in that knowledge. My life, in fact, was poor and difficult, yet it seems to others, and sometimes to myself, rich and wonderful. To me human life is like a night, sad, that would be intolerable if not flamed flashes here and there, whose sudden flare is wonderful and consoling to the point that the latter can delete them and justify the years of darkness.
The dark, bleak darkness, this is the horrible sky of daily life. What do you leverage the morning, eat, drink and call you to lie? The child, the savage, the healthy young, the animal does not suffer from this cycle of things and indifferent actions. Who does not suffer the thought, is pleased to rise in the morning and eating and drinking, there is satisfaction and does not want things to go differently. But he who has lost this simple, but look for during the day, eager and alert, the moments of real life, which makes flash happy and extinguishes the sense of time, with all the ideas on the meaning and purpose of the Whole. These moments can be called creative, because they seem to cause the feeling of union with the Creator, because everything in them, even the purely random, it is perceived as intended. It 's the link that mystics call union with God
Maybe it's the blinding light of those moments to make it appear so dark all the others, perhaps it is because of free, magical lightness and delight of those suspended moments for the rest of his life has felt so heavy and sticky, and demeaning . I do not know, I've come a long way to reflect and philosophize.
I know one thing, though: if there is a state of bliss and a paradise, there must be an undisturbed continuation of such moments, and if you can achieve that bliss through the pain, there is no suffering or pain large to the point of having to escape. "
[H. Hesse, Gertrud , beginning of chap. VI, Mondadori edition]
Best wishes!
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