Hello everyone!
My first speech on this blog will cover what the Holy Father has said about Agriculture on November 14 last year. As a good student of agriculture can not help but think carefully about the Pope's words and appreciate the message he addressed to the community: I have to say that what is said reflects lines of thought shared by many, so many people in the right of Agriculture. Now publish excerpts of the speech of the Pope, inviting you to read and reflect on many issues were discussed: sustainable development, personal responsibility, values \u200b\u200blinked to agricultural activity, economic crisis, the importance of agriculture for the future. I leave you comments!
\u0026lt;\u0026lt; The current economic crisis, which has also dealt with in these days in the so-called G20 meeting, to be taken in all its seriousness, it has numerous causes and sends a strong call for a comprehensive review of global economic development model. It 'an acute symptom that is added to other more serious and already well known, such as the continuing imbalance between wealth and poverty, the scandal of hunger, environmental emergencies and, now, too general, the problem of unemployment . In this context, it is a decisive strategic revitalization of agriculture. In fact, the process of industrialization has sometimes overshadowed the agricultural sector, which, while taking in turn benefit the knowledge and modern techniques, it has lost importance, with significant consequences on the cultural level. I think the time for a call to reassess the agriculture is not in the sense of nostalgia, but as an indispensable resource for the future.
should focus, then, in a very concerted, on a new balance between agriculture, industry and services, because the development is sustainable, anyone missing the bread and work, air, water and other primary resources are preserved as a universal property (cf. Enc. Caritas in veritate , 27). E 'key to this growing ethical awareness and disseminate a clear, up to the most complex challenges of our time, to teach us all to a wise and responsible consumption, promote personal responsibility along with the social dimension of rural activities, based on values perennials such as hospitality, solidarity, sharing the hard work. Not a few young people have already chosen this path, even many graduates return to dedicate the farm, would like to say this is not only a personal and family needs, but also a sign of the times , a real feeling for the common good >> .
soon ...
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