Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Pokemon Emerald Vba Speed

When I am able to love

Hi! I wanted to offer a reflection on a beautiful song by Giorgio Gaber, I heard for the first time a cause played by Ron Day, is titled "When I'm able to love" and thought I'd propose it thinking back to a book, a "liquid society ", which set out (among many topics) the theory that love is the result of a biological process that begins with a hormone called oxytocin. It basically says
that love is a pure biological fact and that when the effect of this hormone is exhausted also ends falling in love. Certainly I've simplified this a lot and I apologize for the first author of the book, but the gist is this. It 's a theory that I had already known in the world of sports while in high school and listening to me now has been delayed with the mind as a possible response to this song. I recommend you listen to, but above all to read the text that I report below, because if you first may seem a little rake, I gave the impression of great depth and a great search for the meaning of love . Let me know what you think!

When I am capable of loving (G. Gaber)

When I am capable of loving
probably will not need
to assassinate my father in secret
nor to make love with my mother in a dream

When I am capable of loving
with my woman I even
arrogance and fragility
of a man child

When I am capable of loving
I want a woman that there is really
not crowd my existence
but I do not stay away even with the thought

I want a woman that if I caress
an armchair, a book or something
she would want to be alone
that thing

When I am capable of loving
I want a woman who never change
but from large to small things
will all make sense because There she

I can look into his heart
and approach to his mystery
not like when I speak I
but like when I breathe

When I am capable of loving
I love as I am
without the desire to demonstrate
without ever asking if we were good

And in the silence of the night
with tired eyes and souls for
feel that sleep is life
not rest

When I am capable of loving
I'd love
that he had no appointment with the duty

a love without guilt
without remorse
selfish and natural as a river
that has taken its course

Not bad or good deeds
without other strange deviations
that even if the the river could have
should always be the sea

So I would love


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