will be the Muslim Brotherhood to take over the Mubarak? In this "made without a leader," as it was dubbed by the Egyptian newspapers, in a press conference, the Muslim Brothers have announced the formation of four different political groups. El Arian, spokesman for the Brotherhood, a physician recognized for his courageous positions on education and support to young people, announced the birth of a new party which will be called Liberty and Justice. While other currents inside the brotherhood are forming three different groups. He finally got the legalization of the party's moderate center Wasat, whose political platform was introduced in the 90s, but got no official recognition. And so the historical opponents of the project presented two new acronyms: the Reform Party and the Party for a Free Egypt, which could be led by Abdullah al Ashaal, near the former interior minister. Themes of the litigation concerning the function of political party, the role of Islamic law in the statutes of the party, the relationship with the mosque of Al Azhar, the possibility that women and Copts have access to the office of president. All content appeared to partially overcome in the years of co-optation within the regime. The interpretation proposed by the brotherhood of political Islam could lead to a compromise between the demands of the demonstrators and the positions of the regime. And, therefore, moderate internal reforms in the economic, political, and a new position in the Egyptian Israeli-Palestinian conflict. D'altraparte, a less compliant with the current regime has already left the Brotherhood. E 'sufficient to recall the arrest of 2009 Ehab Hany Motlak Alqlliopi and declared that he had left the Egyptian movement for supporting Hezbollah, the Lebanese Shiite movement, as a sign of dissent.
I met, Hessam El Arian, head of the political and historical leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, the union of doctors in via Qasr Al Aini. According to independent sources, the police arrested him taking it home on the night of Friday, January 28 and then drop it a few days later. After 35 years of political life, eight of them spent in prison, El Arian still seemed surprised with the behavior of the Egyptian authorities: "I was stuck at the airport, when I was about to take part in the Conference of the Pan-Arab nationalists." The measure is been taken into implementation of a controversial ruling that prevents him from 2005, and other important leaders of the movement, to leave the country. "We live in a police state - has denounced the Egyptian leader - Each rotation policy is constantly hampered. But no movement can always be opposition. In one way or another, is forced to come to terms with power. And 'That's why in some contexts we have accepted the government procedures, but Mubarak has always known not to work in the vacuum. We are a vital movement. "
El Arian spoke in favor of the law allowing the donation of organs. It has often been responsible for dialogue with opposition groups. However, according Arian, repression of the authorities has undermined the effectiveness of political opposition: "The Muslim Brotherhood, during the latent tension continues, fought for a correct interpretation of Islam, preferring a role in social, educational and religious rather than take part in political decisions. An interpretation of Islamic law - continued Arian - allowing Muslims to live freely and not in conflict, which it intends to pursue justice and equality. What with all the dialogues in the name of Islam. An attribute can not remain the preserve only of Gamat (university associations). Why can not exclude religion from public life. " Words that reflect the controversy Inclusion in the Egyptian constitution of citizenship. The Brotherhood sees it as a principle of "imported from abroad, contrary to the sharia and oriented to separate religion from the state." In confirmation of this, the dialogue seems to open with the Christians, although he considers Arian "far from wanting to create a united front of opposition, because engaged in pursuing their goals on the political agenda."
And on the question of the formation of a political party, Arian has no doubts: "Who was construed in part, without regime change, had made a tactical error rather than ideological." The reference is to the attempt, repeatedly failed, also sponsored by leading the Brotherhood to form a moderate party of the center. But Arian does not stop there, a mistake was also a manifesto for a political party of 2007 "which is now frozen. The idea of \u200b\u200bforming a structure headed by a council of ulema is removed and transferred to the section connected to the mosque of Al Azhar. " Despite this, the policy objectives of the Muslim Brothers do not change. They focus on "reforms to allow free elections, a limited number of presidential terms, to eliminate barriers to the formation of political parties, the end of emergency rule and freedom of trade unions to operate. And then, we support any economic reform, as a harbinger of political change. " And a new Egypt's position in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. "I've always been really critical - added the Egyptian political leader - against Mubarak and the holes on the Israeli government. It 's a dirty game. This approach is intentional and not from outside Egypt. L' Egypt can not be guarded by Israel. The problems for my country come from Israel and the Palestinians. " And the support for events is not new to the Brotherhood: "Every day there are strikes and demonstrations in Egypt, a sign of great discomfort of all social strata. And those who always pay the consequences are affiliated to the Muslim Brotherhood. "
Joseph Acconcia
from "La Sicilia" on March 2
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