The Saturday's referendum has sparked political debate in Egypt. The amendments to the current Constitution does not provide for the rielegibilità the president after two terms and new rules for constitutional reforms. Muslim Brotherhood, Wasat, and members of the National Democratic Party have spoken out for the "yes". While El Baradei, liberal and leftist movements supporting the campaign for "no". Who wants a new constitution will come tomorrow in Tahrir Square. The coalition of the young revolutionaries appointment has divided referendum on Saturday, despite being the main interlocutor of higher strongly recommended the armed forces, resulting in the appointment of the interim government of Sharaf and the release of several detainees including Abboud and Tareq al-Zomor, accused of having participated in the assassination of Sadat . The demands of young people are heterogeneous: the Socialists, Communists, Islamists and liberals came together to mark this transition. I met Khaled Telima, 27, a student, a spokesman for the coalition. "We will vote" no "to the referendum on Saturday - ensures the young - We are for a new constitution. In the interview with the army we have indicated Sharaf for the post of prime minister because he was with us during the revolution. " Khaled still see the huge crowd that celebrated the new prime minister "after his appointment, Sharaf we met at his house, asking him to clean the men of the old regime." In his meeting with the army, the young people had submitted applications and social policies: "First of all, we need time to form new parties. Six months is not enough because there are elections, only the former of the PND and the Muslim Brotherhood would be ready. "" And - continues Khaled - we ensured that the army, to stop the strikes, it is necessary to take immediate action. We must form a Committee for Economic instituting a minimum wage, delete the debts of farmers and contracted with precarious. If these things the new government it will not return to the streets March 19. "
I met Ramy Sabry Union for the Advancement of Youth, current internal Tagammu, the party headquarters of Talat Harb Street. "We are preparing an alternative left-wing party - says Ramy, a pharmacist, to the streets every day since Jan. 25. "The leader Sayed Refat has had many benefits from the Mubarak regime, should resign." Refat, chairman of the Communist Party, is accused of failing to take part in the demonstrations and the first day of accepting the dialogue with Suleiman. And on the alliances of the new party, Ramy is safe: "In the last years with the Muslim Brotherhood have had common positions on certain issues. If they form a secular party can continue to reach an agreement. Their power derives from the absence of other parties. If the state takes the place of the Muslim Brotherhood in charities such as the time of Nasser, other parties will gain the strength that now have them. " According to Ramy, the issues on which a new leftist party should insist that Egypt is the Egyptian position in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and support for workers: "We reject the peace treaty with Israel, but the topic would be necessary to promote a referendum. And then, we are close to those on strike, the government could guarantee a salary minimum of 1,200 Egyptian pounds and has not done. " And the army, Ramy has no doubts: "never fired on the crowd so far but makes concessions drop by drop." The Union is committed to progress in the People's Committees for the Defence of the Revolution, groups formed spontaneously in many neighborhoods Cairo: "we hold meetings on the street, lively debate in which they are made known facts of corruption or the actions of baltagheia.
Another essential component of the coalition are the Muslim Brotherhood. I met with Mohammed El Qassas, a young member of the Brotherhood, engaged in the office of the political movement and among the founders of the party Freedom and Justice, the union of doctors in Qasr Al Aini Street. By all accounts, the Muslim Brotherhood has played a key role in the days of the revolution, as in Cairo to Alexandria, to organize protests and to control the demonstrators. Mohammed has been in prison three times, although up to nine months for his activism in the brotherhood. Door in the face and body the marks of the stones thrown by Baltag the day of the battle of the camel. Will you vote "yes" to the referendum on Saturday, as per directives of the movement, but admits that many young people supporting the brotherhood of the "no". "In the interview with the army we have focused on the fate of political prisoners - admit activist - They have released some of the 61 members in the movement still in prison. I've been following the case of Husam Suleiman, who was forced by police to remain in jail despite the Supreme Court has acquitted him. " He also reached the protesters against the assaults of the state security last Saturday: "I saw burned and cut cards, emails and facebook account kept under control, speeches murshid and friends registered. Some of the files related to the regime's supporters to blackmail ". On the issues in dispute Qassas has a very clear language: "the peace treaty with Israel is not now under discussion. But any attack will accelerate the path to a revision. Our challenge is to create a real life policy in this country. Are for a secular party. " The divisions in the "coalition of the young revolutionaries" will occur with the formation of independent political parties. But Liberty and Justice of the Muslim Brotherhood remains the most influential component of the movement. Despite the outcome of the referendum appears uncertain, the political debate anticipates the difficult and complex struggle for the next election campaign.
Joseph Acconcia
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