Saturday, March 5, 2011

The North Face Movie Streaming


A moment ago I found in my pockets disordered
the keys to a hotel
that I forgot to deliver,

Peter returned transformed by one trip
much to revolutionize the architecture
city built on the skeletons,

intermittent and continuous circumnavigation
rendered stateless man
logical attempt to wallow in

for as long as possible in the amniotic fluid
for the body feel reborn
and learn from his mistakes.

While some children entered the subway on time
in search of death
at giving a force exaggerated
suicide as impossible,

others lived in town, segregated in the mountains,
and eyes turned a bias and place ex
in neurosis group, alternative shelter for those who
no place in the world, opposed statelessness.

Some crawled
looking for any job,
abandoned old creative ambitions,
to sacrifice everything for the dictatorship of life,

others immersed themselves in a slow,
perennial unchanging happiness companion and friend,
surviving in tiny subculture formed
by two people, held together gender identity
than from similar texts, that repeated point by point
its reasons to oppose these fascists who
large office space.

Some waved their thirties
and sighed in anticipation of the child
supplementing the work of overthrowing
childhood living apart,
in perfect fit with the style of the majority,
to effectively resolve the unbearable belonging to a minority.
Mind you, there remained the feeling of having chosen a life
different, stateless,
through complete knowledge, specific, acquired slowly.

Other, older, reached
looking to spend their time cuddled
the questions and cross-certainties recited
experts as speakers, to find absolute confirmation
found to lesbianism in old age,
incomplete conversions, mystical,
expulsion from small preservation of the world,
the waiver of the conformity of the surface speed.

Already years before had tried to conclude
this feature, but the protagonists were found
all dead because for the first time,
match reality and pleasure for a while,

but the new woman, moving in time between yesterday and today,
saved from death one of the protagonists of this story.
So misogyny is gone.

This was the beginning of the reign of women
not seem to matter if goddesses or whores
because dancing and laughed,

and when his wife told the truth
ancient murder with screwdriver,
history of statelessness is over.

But still in my head,
describing my journey to the murder
slow imposition of any

enough to throw into the abyss fake beauty myths
and discover the need for a specialty solitary
because for Andes, Tibet and Panshir
few days is not enough

and even if this should go well
are ready to be alone
because even if only in the absence of any noise,
I always hear a loud hissing tinnitus.

Joseph Acconcia
From "1,2,3 all free!" 2007


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