Thursday, March 17, 2011

Gay Cruising Spots In Miami, Fl

Just a few hours a constitutional referendum

The Saturday's referendum has sparked political debate in Egypt. The amendments to the current Constitution does not provide for the rielegibilità the president after two terms and new rules for constitutional reforms. Muslim Brotherhood, Wasat, and members of the National Democratic Party have spoken out for the "yes". While El Baradei, liberal and leftist movements supporting the campaign for "no". Who wants a new constitution will come tomorrow in Tahrir Square. The coalition of the young revolutionaries appointment has divided referendum on Saturday, despite being the main interlocutor of higher strongly recommended the armed forces, resulting in the appointment of the interim government of Sharaf and the release of several detainees including Abboud and Tareq al-Zomor, accused of having participated in the assassination of Sadat . The demands of young people are heterogeneous: the Socialists, Communists, Islamists and liberals came together to mark this transition. I met Khaled Telima, 27, a student, a spokesman for the coalition. "We will vote" no "to the referendum on Saturday - ensures the young - We are for a new constitution. In the interview with the army we have indicated Sharaf for the post of prime minister because he was with us during the revolution. " Khaled still see the huge crowd that celebrated the new prime minister "after his appointment, Sharaf we met at his house, asking him to clean the men of the old regime." In his meeting with the army, the young people had submitted applications and social policies: "First of all, we need time to form new parties. Six months is not enough because there are elections, only the former of the PND and the Muslim Brotherhood would be ready. "" And - continues Khaled - we ensured that the army, to stop the strikes, it is necessary to take immediate action. We must form a Committee for Economic instituting a minimum wage, delete the debts of farmers and contracted with precarious. If these things the new government it will not return to the streets March 19. "
I met Ramy Sabry Union for the Advancement of Youth, current internal Tagammu, the party headquarters of Talat Harb Street. "We are preparing an alternative left-wing party - says Ramy, a pharmacist, to the streets every day since Jan. 25. "The leader Sayed Refat has had many benefits from the Mubarak regime, should resign." Refat, chairman of the Communist Party, is accused of failing to take part in the demonstrations and the first day of accepting the dialogue with Suleiman. And on the alliances of the new party, Ramy is safe: "In the last years with the Muslim Brotherhood have had common positions on certain issues. If they form a secular party can continue to reach an agreement. Their power derives from the absence of other parties. If the state takes the place of the Muslim Brotherhood in charities such as the time of Nasser, other parties will gain the strength that now have them. " According to Ramy, the issues on which a new leftist party should insist that Egypt is the Egyptian position in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and support for workers: "We reject the peace treaty with Israel, but the topic would be necessary to promote a referendum. And then, we are close to those on strike, the government could guarantee a salary minimum of 1,200 Egyptian pounds and has not done. " And the army, Ramy has no doubts: "never fired on the crowd so far but makes concessions drop by drop." The Union is committed to progress in the People's Committees for the Defence of the Revolution, groups formed spontaneously in many neighborhoods Cairo: "we hold meetings on the street, lively debate in which they are made known facts of corruption or the actions of baltagheia.
Another essential component of the coalition are the Muslim Brotherhood. I met with Mohammed El Qassas, a young member of the Brotherhood, engaged in the office of the political movement and among the founders of the party Freedom and Justice, the union of doctors in Qasr Al Aini Street. By all accounts, the Muslim Brotherhood has played a key role in the days of the revolution, as in Cairo to Alexandria, to organize protests and to control the demonstrators. Mohammed has been in prison three times, although up to nine months for his activism in the brotherhood. Door in the face and body the marks of the stones thrown by Baltag the day of the battle of the camel. Will you vote "yes" to the referendum on Saturday, as per directives of the movement, but admits that many young people supporting the brotherhood of the "no". "In the interview with the army we have focused on the fate of political prisoners - admit activist - They have released some of the 61 members in the movement still in prison. I've been following the case of Husam Suleiman, who was forced by police to remain in jail despite the Supreme Court has acquitted him. " He also reached the protesters against the assaults of the state security last Saturday: "I saw burned and cut cards, emails and facebook account kept under control, speeches murshid and friends registered. Some of the files related to the regime's supporters to blackmail ". On the issues in dispute Qassas has a very clear language: "the peace treaty with Israel is not now under discussion. But any attack will accelerate the path to a revision. Our challenge is to create a real life policy in this country. Are for a secular party. " The divisions in the "coalition of the young revolutionaries" will occur with the formation of independent political parties. But Liberty and Justice of the Muslim Brotherhood remains the most influential component of the movement. Despite the outcome of the referendum appears uncertain, the political debate anticipates the difficult and complex struggle for the next election campaign.

Joseph Acconcia

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Cost To Build A Computer Tower

Trilogy glasses

How hard is it to be conscious of time and their condition! "Trilogy of glasses" Emma Dante is at the St. Ferdinand of Naples, until February 6. The new production will come in Noto, May 12. "The trilogy consists of three shows - writes Emma Dante - autonomous but inextricably linked by themes of marginality: poverty, disease and old age." The first short "Acquasanta" tells of a sailor (Carmine Maringola) grappling with the hard work on a ship. He foaming at the mouth, working all the time. Teased by his captain and the storm does not believe in the liberation of the mainland. Talk in Naples, moves like a puppet. The three anchors that move as the three episodes are in the hands of an invisible head. Italian popular songs of the 30s and 60 accompanying the actors, music boxes and preparing for the second short soft lights, while the audience is moved inside the theater. In "Zisa Castle", two sisters, played by Claudia Benassi and Stéphanie Taillandier, dress. They can slowly and excitement, including games and treatment, to restore life to a neutral position. Nicola (Zummo Onofrio) is sitting, forgotten, torn from her aunt in the neighborhood of the Zisa. But his ardor becomes irresistible. Must contain in its exaggerations. Played in Palermo and in French, this magical episode recalls the scenes of the experimental theater of exclusion, dear Pippo del Bono. An old collects music boxes placed on the stage. He beginning as "Ballarini," the third short. Two Old Men (Elena Burgundy and Sabino Civilleri), made lame by the time they dance with slow movements. But their dance is more agile, confident. And so it goes back to the days of their first meeting and the milestones of their lives. The old woman, alone, slowly fades.

Joseph Acconcia
February 2011

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

How Do You Make A Dongle

Brands' de Bab el Louk, Cairo, 1912-2012

For those interested in the project, and proposals are welcome accessions,
Samuel and Joseph Racine Acconcia

Monday, March 14, 2011

Can I Masterbate In Public?

The souk of Bab el Louk, the brainchild of Samuel Racine

What Is Meant By Visa On Arrival

... Endless winter ...

uff ... that beard ... do not take it anymore ... this seems eternal winter ... it's raining outside and I am unfortunately forced to see our beloved horses ronfanti in the garage ...

we have thousands of ideas for the season .. a thousand places to visit ... a thousand laps to go ... and as always we will be able to complete only a part of our intentions because in contrast to winter, the summer always seems very very short ... you do not have time to savor the fragrance of the bright night of June with the swallows that incredible drawing slide in the sky that already comes in August and September and then again gray and cold ...

I realize that is basically a rather negative thing ... but Uncle Billy .... until one day it pours, and one day ... : D

the other night I got lost inside GoogleMaps may be lost as a kid in a candy store (a moment too ... in a candy store I lose myself willingly ..)... I dreamed a thousand roads ... .. one thousand destinations hundreds of places I want to visit ...

almost the only thing certain is that in August we're going to glow under the Andalusian sun and even though all I own are discouraging because of high temperatures, I can see I already smadonnare the hellishly hot but with a light heart and the mind only projected to grind km or swallowing emotions ...

before Spain and there would be a good weekend .. I want to go in Austria to see the concentration camp at Mauthausen, and maybe I would go back to the Grossglockner Alessandra because there has never been ... but certainly also deserve ... and the Silvretta Timmelsjoch? and the Stelvio? oh yes ... and what I'd like a ride in the Black Forest or lose up and down the hills of Tuscany or watching a sunset from the Croatian coast .. o. .... Executioner bear ... there are not enough weekends ... (

flashes at all!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Design My Own Dress For Free

I have not read Saint John Perse,
nor Ezra Pound
say how good he is Karl Krauss
and do not miss the Phaedra of Racine,
but not yet I read them.
speak of Les Miserables
and a little heard of
Tozzi , Golding and Walcott,
I prostrate at the feet of Tolstoy.
I miss them too much reading to get ready,
too many movies, too much drama.
The books are there,
are ready to read them.
Until a few days ago I had never seen
film Vigo, Keaton and Ozu.
I miss them too much reading to get ready.
Piscator, Brecht and Jerry
(epic communist artauviano) :
how late they've discovered,
aspects and to read Rulfo,
Huxley and Paz,
that they are all dead
or that launch as Deleuze ?
I miss you too readings to be ready.
But just celebrate the dead
ignoring the living.
Or rather, no need to scramble
live behind that in the blink of an eye
- How many more pages in a day?
- 300
- see many movies in one day?
- 10
- How many museums, neighborhoods, friends visit in five days?
- 1000
- But do not you think too much? Are you suffering from neurosis.
- And you're always count instead of pages, check time, deny you as a friend, do not think you exaggerate?
- Hegel described it all in 550 pages, Wittgenstein in 75. There will come a man who just one line. What I will not trouble to read it.

Joseph Acconcia
from "1,2,3 all free!" 2007

Saturday, March 12, 2011

I Have A White Film On Eye

The youth hostel


I bought a flat
in Olicev Venac
I opened a hostel
with my brother Milan ,
the youth hostel.

I bought a kitchen,
16 bunk beds, 2 toilet bowls,
1 washing machine,
for 4 rooms:
red, blue, yellow and green.

I treated every guest as a friend
“You are welcome, you are safe,
I tell you the truth about my city.
This is free at the youth hostel.

Do you want to wash your clothes?
This is free at the youth hostel.

Do you want to check your e-mail?
Internet is free at the youth hostel.

Do you want to fuck, to buy hash, to bet on horses,
to know where gipsies play?”
I help you, this is free at the youth hostel.
All the net got to know this place,
people come from Germany , France , Greece ,
Australia and Spain .

Every evening a new party,
each one talks his language
each one talks every language
each one eats every food
each one eats his food
each one sleeps in his bed
each one sleeps in every bed
each one fucks his girl
each one fucks every girl

Internet now is two euros per hour
ok, something has changed, nothing important,
the mood is the same
I’m still happy to work here,
nothing has changed
at the youth hostel.

the washing machine now is five euros
ok, the mood is the same
I’m happy again to work here,
nothing has changed
at the youth hostel.

I tell my guests to go
to the tourist’s centre to know everything about the place
I don’t talk too much with them
I don’t help too much them
Actually, I want to kill Them.
Ok, the mood is The Same
I'm happy to work here again,
nothing has changed
at the International Youth Hostel.

Joseph Acconcia
From "1,2,3 all free!" 2007

Friday, March 11, 2011

What Are 5 Fun Facts About Syphilis

The manifestation of the dialogue between Christians and Muslims

Thursday, March 10, 2011

White Gunk Under Tongue

Caterpillar, Radio 2 ... connecting from Cairo. Episode of Wednesday, March 9, 2011. The situation in Egypt. Events

Pelican Case Foam Cut To Order

women, Qasr Al Aini, Moghles Shab

Herpes Disqualify Marine

Egypt referendum on the Constitution. Copts in the viewfinder more than ten deaths. Chaos

The March 19 referendum will be held in Egypt on amendments to the Constitution. The Egyptians will decide who is a candidate for the presidency, the term of office and the suspension of the emergency law. Eman Sharaf, new prime minister, fell Friday on the square between protesters and spoke coalition with some young revolutionaries. Sharaf, transport minister between 2004 and 2005, engineer, who resigned in conflict with Gamal and businessmen of the old guard, was the only member of Mubarak's government to join the demonstrators on February 8. Even Khayrat Al Shater of the Muslim Brotherhood, in prison since 2006, was in place Friday. In the interview that Sharaf has had with people in the square, the demonstrators called for radical changes in the state police, the release of prisoners, the formation of a caretaker government, composed of civilians. "Sharaf told to go home. And if you do not act in the interests of the Revolution, to return to the streets " - Says Khaled, who will sleep in tents in Tahrir Square again tonight. Part of the protesters plan to continue protesting. Part of the "coalition of the January 25" has an anti-political spirit. It is these groups will not leave the square until the last member of the old regime is in power.
The climate, especially in some districts remains tense. "The Egyptians do not trust the police - says Labib, journalist Saba El Youm, stopped during the event. This is because the Egyptian institutions have weakened. Until a ministry of the interior will be rebuilt, who will have confidence in the police? ". There has been shootings and score-settling in popular neighborhoods like Sayeda Zeinab, Dar El Salam and Shubra. In this particular area the strike of chemical farmaucetico culminated in clashes that led to military intervention. "From the balcony of my house tells worried Emad, a young student Sayed Zeinab malvito-see groups that fight each other with knives and guns. And no one intervened to stop them. " Many believe that the worsening security situation depends on the absence of the police and army dall'attendismo. While it is still difficult to know whether the judiciary will be able to prosecute former government ministers Mubarak. It 'set for March 5 Next, the first hearing of the former interior minister, Habib El Adly, who is accused of extortion. The same El Adly was entered in the register of suspects for the attack on the Christian Coptic Church of Alexandria on 7 January. And if the kids are back in Sunday school, many parents prefer to keep them at home. "It is not safe to move from one district to another city. - Eman says, a mother of four girls. And I have not heard of anyone missing persons, the bus stopped by criminals to frighten children. " This tense atmosphere clears the streets of Cairo after midnight, in compliance with the curfew. It upsets the habits of many Egyptians who usually linger in markets and small cafes open until late at night. But to be directly
this political vacuum, in particular, are Coptic Christians. In recent days, a church was burned to Helwan. And in Tuesday night died at least ten Copts in the popular district of Moqattam. A few weeks ago, six monks of the Monastery of Saint Bishoy in the Egyptian desert were injured as the army knocked down a wall built by the religious. "In this case there is no responsibility of the army. The monks were not to build on that land - ensures father Kamal St. Joseph Catholic Church in the center of Cairo. There is a government and people take advantage to abuse building. " All churches in Cairo are controlled by the police or the army. "In the days of the revolt we have not had any attacks - continued the monk. I do not know if the allegations in El Adly they are accurate. It may have been a ploy to divert attention from political issues. Of course back in November asked the police to put iron security around the churches. " And the Muslim Brotherhood, father Kamal has no doubts: "I am friends of the Coptic patriarchs, but they do not want Christians to be the ruling class in this country. And they are deeply divided. " I met Father Bishoy Coptic Orthodox church in the Angel Gabriel in the district of Abdin. "I have no definite news on what happened in the desert. Perhaps the military has an Islamist direction. " And on the assassination of Alexandria: "it is possible that the allegations are true to the ministry. With the attack would give the impression that the Islamists are a threat to the Copts. " With regard to political action of the Muslim Brotherhood, the father smiles, "their words are peaceful, but their hearts can not be seen." To enter the Cathedral of San Marco district Abbasseya it is checked with a metal detector. Many young people linger in the gardens of the church after Sunday mass. "It is strange that the attacks on Christians happen when the police there to protect the places of worship? - Ask Rania and Mary. Within weeks of the uprising nobody has touched the churches even though there was no control. " These girls have the suspicion that the involvement of the former interior minister, is plausible, "are men of corrupt individuals to act in this manner." While the Muslim Brotherhood are "familiar to us, help us in times of difficulty. Many of them want to stay away from politics. " "E - plus the girls - in the days of the protests were Christians and Muslims together to protect homes and neighborhoods." If these acts of intimidation against Christians and activists are part of a strategy of tension and too early to tell. The road to the elections is still full of pitfalls.

Joseph Acconcia
from "La Sicilia" of March 10

Traditional Narrowboat Painting

Coptic-Muslim. Via tents Tahrir.

inter-religious clashes between Christians and Muslims in Cairo has continued throughout the night of Tuesday and Wednesday. Salafist groups had gathered in the street near the Parliament Moghles Shab melody to the release of Kamelia, Christian woman who converted to Islam. According to some, the young would be kept in captivity in a Coptic monastery. On the other hand, on Tuesday hundreds of Christians have been stationed near the state television to demand the reconstruction of the church burned to Helwan, following the killing of two men after a family quarrel to prevent a mixed marriage. Tantawi, head of the supreme council of the armed forces, reached the protesters and assured them on reconstruction. But the rumors that the church will be rebuilt in a different air, a quarrel with the mosque nearby, pushed the Copts to get back on the streets.
In Tuesday night's clashes between Christians and Muslims were concentrated in the district Popular Moqattam, causing ten deaths. That's where the seat of the Association for the Environment, led by religious Christians, who for years has been involved in recycling projects. "It's not unprecedented for Egypt clash so intense between Christians and Muslims - said sister Cristine -. I begin to believe that it is not only simple accident. " According to medical sources, the corpses of Christians had wounds from bullets to fire. Throughout the day on Wednesday in clashes between Christians and Muslims continued also in the old quarters of Cairo Islamic Qala, near the citadel built by Mohammed Ali, and Sayda Aisha, not far from the city of the dead. On dialogue between Copts and Muslims, Mohammed El Qassas, a member of the Muslim Brotherhood, engaged in the office of the political movement of young revolutionaries and the coalition, said: "Liberty and Justice party is open to Christians. I was very impressed with the news of the church burned. Must be rebuilt. "
The atmosphere on the streets of Cairo is tense after the assaults to the State Security (Amn al Dawla) who portarto to light hundreds of secret documents on the use of force against the demonstrators on the main leader of the Muslim Brotherhood and actions U.S. counter-terrorism in Egypt. And by Saturday night re-appeared in the street gangs Baltag, criminals and former police officers who have engaged in clashes with demonstrators. Are to be found in these groups are responsible for the fire broke out Wednesday at the Ministry of Finance and subsequent clashes in Tahrir Square and nearby streets, which cost at least 12 wounded. The army intervened and cleared the square in anticipation of the curfew. A Tahrir continued to be stationed some members of the Kifaya movement, while the majority of young people had ceased to manifest after the reassurances of the new Prime Minister Sharaf. Demonstrators were added to the poor neighborhoods of Embaba, Bulaq and Sayed Zeinab who fled to the streets frightened by gangs moving undisturbed in the poorest neighborhoods. And in the evening, reaching Piazza also groups of workers, the unemployed, employees who strike during the day. Just in the confusion of the dozens of protesters' demands has consumed the verbal confrontation between groups of women, the 8th of March we were given an appointment in the square, men and Salafis. The reappearance of
Baltag clearly shows how the showdown with former members to the National Democratic Party is far from over. What's more, Badrawi has resigned as leader of the PND and said it would form a party of 25 January. While playing a petition on facebook to dissolve the PND, by Advocate Ibrahim Bassiouni. D'altraparte, new interfaith clashes make it clear how serious the lack of police and the weakness of the Interior Ministry in this transition. For this reason, the coalition of the young revolutionaries of the next Friday will dedicate the event to dialogue between religions and at the end of sectarianism.

Joseph Acconcia
from "Il Manifesto" of March 10

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Laura Bush Bottomless

Caterpillar, Radio 2 ... connecting from Cairo. Episode of Tuesday, March 8, 2011. The demonstration of women in Cairo.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Swot Analysis Of Salons

Assault on confidential files, new government, a coalition of young revolutionaries

Continued up to yesterday's assaults on state security in many neighborhoods of Cairo. This body, which supports the police, has been working for decades to collect confidential files of members of political parties and movements, a Salafist groups or people. A lot of confidential information were found at the headquarters of state security in Nasr City, while the attack on the headquarters of the square Lazogli has necessitated the intervention of the army, who fired into the air. According to the newspaper Al Doustur, were also found related files the American counter-terrorism strategies. The army, through facebook and texting, has asked the Egyptians to return any confidential document. The attacks have been reported to the safety of the atmosphere of the street revolution with clashes between demonstrators and baltagheia. These groups have reached Tahrir Square on Sunday night. Still continue the strikes of workers of the Suez Canal, employees, farmers, unemployed and precarious. The evening reached Tahrir Square, where they join to the poor neighborhoods of Embaba, Bulaq and Sayed Zeinab, who sleep in tents in the square.
After the appointment of new Prime Minister, seemed to be calm returned to the streets of Cairo. The new government, led by Essam Sharaf, was sworn in Monday evening in front of the head of the Supreme Council of the armed forces Hussein Tantawi. It is a government composed primarily of engineers. Change minister Foreign and justice, accused of having facilitated the transfer of assets abroad Mubarak. The first has been replaced by Nabil El Arab, former judge of the International Court of Justice. The new minister of justice but is Mohamed El Gendi, former Attorney General. Gen. Mansour El Essawi, former governor of Minya, is the new interior minister and will have the difficult task of reorganizing the Egyptian police. In addition, Emad Abu Ghazi, a professor of literature at the University of Cairo, was appointed minister of culture, with a mandate to secure the archaeological heritage of Egypt. It is not yet clear who will be the new oil minister. The last two ministers have held this office continue to face serious charges of corruption, despite their files are covered by state secrecy. After his resignation, former Prime Minister Shafiq has appeared in a television program issuer On Tv For the first time in the history of Egyptian television, journalists and guests in the studio were able to make direct accusations to the man next to President Mubarak on the use of security forces against demonstrators. The former premier is also involved in investigations of corruption in the construction of airports in Cairo and Alexandria.
The appointment of a caretaker government is a coalition of revolutionary victory of January 25. It was one of the requests that young people in the group were presented to the army. The coalition is made up of Tagammu activists, socialists, young members of the Wafd and the Muslim Brotherhood. At the headquarters of Tagammu in Talat Harb street, I met Khaled Telima, 27, a spokesman for the coalition. "In the interview with the army we have indicated Sharaf among the names for the post of prime minister because he was with us during the revolution. And the army has no place vetoes. " Khaled still see the huge crowd that celebrated the new prime minister "after his appointment, we met at his house Sharaf. We asked him not to choose any of the old regime. " In his meeting with the army, young people had submitted applications and social policies: "First of all, we need time to form new parties. Six months is not enough because there are elections, only the former of the PND and the Muslim Brotherhood would be ready. "" And - continues Khaled - we ensured that the army, to stop the strikes, it is necessary to take immediate action. We must form a Committee for Economic instituting a minimum wage, cancel the debts of farmers and contracted with precarious. If these things the new government it will not return to the streets March 19. "

Joseph Acconcia

Monday, March 7, 2011

Is Orange Juice Mucus

Egyptian Graffiti

Via Mohammed Mahmoud
Via Mohammed Mahmoud

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Does A Store Sell Katydids Candy


They continued the assault to the police in many districts of Cairo. The protesters found confidential files of many affiliated with political parties, the Wafd and Tagammu the Muslim Brotherhood, the movement Kifaya, April 6 and Salafist groups. In particular, the assault of the square has Lazogli necessitated the intervention of the army. Many of the groups baltagheia, criminals and proMubarak headed towards Tahrir Square. Continue the strikes of workers, employees, farmers, unemployed and precarious workers who gather at night in Tahrir Square. Together with the poor neighborhoods of Embaba, Bulaq and Sayed Zeinab, who still sleep in tents in the square.

Brooke Heather I Deep

voltage on the streets of Cairo

Two men were killed during clashes between Muslims and Christians in Egypt in Helwan, an area south of Cairo. And Shahedain Coptic church was burned. Behind the incident there would be a dispute within the family to prevent the marriage of a Christian woman with a Muslim man. The burning of the church would be made in conclusion of the funeral procession. While Christians and Muslims have lived peacefully in Egypt, disputes often arise around the question of mixed marriages, the entry of Coptic Christians in the military and access to top government officials. D'altraparte, the attitude of the Muslim Brotherhood against the Copts is often contradictory. Father Kamal admits: "The Muslim Brothers are friends of the Coptic patriarchs, but they do not want Christians to be the ruling class in this country. And they are deeply divided. " While ordinary people have a different point of view, "the Muslim Brotherhood are familiar to us - says Bishoy - help us in times of difficulty. Many of them want to stay away from politics. " "E - added the boy - in the days of the protests were Christians and Muslims together to protect homes and neighborhoods." This episode shows the deterioration of security conditions in Egypt, following the dissolution of the police since late January ineffectiveness control over ' security apparatus of the Ministry of Interior. "From the balcony of my house - told worried Emad, a young student Sayed Zeinab - see malvito groups that fight each other with knives and guns. And no one intervened to stop them. " And just to protest against gangs baltagheia undisturbed running of the cities, between yesterday and today, thousands of protesters have surrounded the barracks of Giza, Alexandria and October 6.
To expedite the necessary steps of this long transition, the Council of the armed forces announced that head will be held on March 19 referendum on amendments to the Constitution. The Egyptians will decide who is a candidate for the presidency, the term of office and the suspension of the emergency law. After this news and following the act of Eman Sharaf, new prime minister, who fell to the streets Friday and spoke with some young people of the coalition, most of the protesters left Tahrir Square. Even Khayrat Al Shater of the Muslim Brotherhood in prison since 2006, remained in place for several hours. The demonstrators asked Sharaf to restore the system to police the dangerous presence of gangs in popular areas and the formation of a caretaker government, composed of civilians. "Sharaf told to go home. And if you do not act in the interests of the Revolution, to return to the streets "- says Khaled, who will sleep in tents in Tahrir Square again tonight. In any case, some of the protesters do not plan to go away. Part of the "coalition of the January 25" has an anti-political spirit. And these groups have decided not to let our guard down until the last member of the old regime is in power. The first difficulty Sharaf shall be the replacement of key figures of the establishment of Mubarak, as Foreign Minister Abu Gheit and Mamdu Marei, minister of justice. They both played a key role in facilitating the transfer of assets abroad Mubarak. D'altraparte, former Prime Minister Shafiq will face charges of abuse of office in the building of new airports in Cairo and Alexandria. Finally, the hearing yesterday, the former Interior Minister Al Adly has pleaded not guilty on the charges of corruption and bribery.
But the Egyptian political framework is in turmoil. Young activists Tagammu announced the formation of the Union for Progress in opposition to the leadership of the party. While Kamal said Kalil near the birth of a third party of the left, the Democratic Party workers. In addition, 18 Sufi orders have agreed to the formation of the first party Sufis of Egypt, Ahmed Maher chosen as representative. But after the release of these items, the police would be carrying out arrests of Sufis in Alexandria and Cairo. D'altraparte, Badrawi resigned as leader of the PND and said it would form a party of 25 January. According to many of the PND is the extreme attempt to exploit this transition. One of the major unknowns is exactly what they will do the keepers, workers, families of middle class, civil servants who belonged to the party of Mubarak, and are now waiting for the policy framework becomes clearer.

Joseph Acconcia
from "Il Manifesto" of March 6

Saturday, March 5, 2011

The North Face Movie Streaming


A moment ago I found in my pockets disordered
the keys to a hotel
that I forgot to deliver,

Peter returned transformed by one trip
much to revolutionize the architecture
city built on the skeletons,

intermittent and continuous circumnavigation
rendered stateless man
logical attempt to wallow in

for as long as possible in the amniotic fluid
for the body feel reborn
and learn from his mistakes.

While some children entered the subway on time
in search of death
at giving a force exaggerated
suicide as impossible,

others lived in town, segregated in the mountains,
and eyes turned a bias and place ex
in neurosis group, alternative shelter for those who
no place in the world, opposed statelessness.

Some crawled
looking for any job,
abandoned old creative ambitions,
to sacrifice everything for the dictatorship of life,

others immersed themselves in a slow,
perennial unchanging happiness companion and friend,
surviving in tiny subculture formed
by two people, held together gender identity
than from similar texts, that repeated point by point
its reasons to oppose these fascists who
large office space.

Some waved their thirties
and sighed in anticipation of the child
supplementing the work of overthrowing
childhood living apart,
in perfect fit with the style of the majority,
to effectively resolve the unbearable belonging to a minority.
Mind you, there remained the feeling of having chosen a life
different, stateless,
through complete knowledge, specific, acquired slowly.

Other, older, reached
looking to spend their time cuddled
the questions and cross-certainties recited
experts as speakers, to find absolute confirmation
found to lesbianism in old age,
incomplete conversions, mystical,
expulsion from small preservation of the world,
the waiver of the conformity of the surface speed.

Already years before had tried to conclude
this feature, but the protagonists were found
all dead because for the first time,
match reality and pleasure for a while,

but the new woman, moving in time between yesterday and today,
saved from death one of the protagonists of this story.
So misogyny is gone.

This was the beginning of the reign of women
not seem to matter if goddesses or whores
because dancing and laughed,

and when his wife told the truth
ancient murder with screwdriver,
history of statelessness is over.

But still in my head,
describing my journey to the murder
slow imposition of any

enough to throw into the abyss fake beauty myths
and discover the need for a specialty solitary
because for Andes, Tibet and Panshir
few days is not enough

and even if this should go well
are ready to be alone
because even if only in the absence of any noise,
I always hear a loud hissing tinnitus.

Joseph Acconcia
From "1,2,3 all free!" 2007

Friday, March 4, 2011

How Do You Save Emerald Green Rom On A Mac

Friday holiday

Discussions at the center of the square

Toward the Arab League

Celebrations and flags