Sunday, December 19, 2010

Kates Playground Uncensored Homemade

be young ... already be precious!

Hello! I propose a personal reflection and certainly worthy of being proved wrong, but from what I see and I live in my life ... the real issue is the potential of young people in society and their approval or, conversely, the indifference against them. This page is the result of work started by the Marche sociology professor at the Theological Institute in Ancona, where he currently studies as a seminarian .. I hope you enjoy! good read ...

"Valuing first is to recognize the potential of that new generations are equipped, but also to equip young people with tools for self-realization of these potential"

My point concerns the data on which it is found that in Italy we invest only 0.6% in social protection of youth against a European average 2.5%, and I start with the phrase written above, taken from "The de Young Italy," to try to express my opinion on this topic.

First of all I can say, from the fact that I also have a young man of 20 years who is accustomed to being among his peers, that I think the biggest problem is that today perhaps the adult generations should make the effort to begin to understand that the category of youth is not a category of "passage", that only makes sense because it is a link and input preparation for adult life and the world of work as if the juvenile (the one that goes more or less from 18 to 30 years) were useless and not worth the value if taken for what it actually is.

Maybe us young people say we need to hear that our youth is an important and probably decisive in the concrete social life and that we are not only important "in view of ..".

About this I think is real and evident insecurity about the future and the tendency to postpone decisions that require a degree of responsibility (as an important job or a house), especially for those facing to work after high school or college experience, because I think it feels a bit 'left at the mercy of their abilities, not protected, or rather, just accompanied delicate at the beginning. It feels like short people still do not fully useful and efficient became part of a society in which there is no interest to them, it is perhaps for this insecurity and a future without social certainties which often makes use of the family as "social safety net," because we begin to see as the only true cell of society on which to rely and from which to draw security.

Going back to what I said before, it is therefore important that the adult generations reaching out to this new generation who perhaps above all calls for help to form a society, to be accepted even in his inexperience in the various fields because it is the beginning: I remember as a concrete proposal for a greater confidence in the political field in two cases: 1 - start right from high school to raise awareness and to raise awareness a more precise and serious the political matters, its organization, its division into various parties, the principles and values \u200b\u200bthat underlie of all hues, so as to make young people aware of what they face when at 18 years will be called to cast their vote, and therefore, 2 - expand youth representation in Parliament, both to compare with those who already have a large field experience is to actually make them feel part of a company not so remote or obscure their knowledge.

I do not think that this might be a kind of demotion of quality, but rather a kind of big for its redevelopment of the data we see that despite the number of young people is declining, however, have a strong higher education to young people 20-30 years ago who are now at the top of the company with a deserved but certainly a need to deal with the latest news and updates of the various sectors.

I used the example of the policy to make one, but this idea of \u200b\u200bgiving more confidence to the younger generation in my opinion is extendable to many other fields, such as education, where the population Italian academic is the oldest of the industrialized world (the data tell us that in fact over 60 teachers in 2006/2007 were 24% versus 11% in France and 8% in the United Kingdom, while 40 were under the ' 11% versus 29% of France, 22% in Spain and 30% in the United Kingdom), or even in the world of trade unions, where in 2003 more than half of the students had more than 44 years. In conclusion, I think the right weapon to use is part of the most experienced adults to "get their hands dirty" with young people, help them with patience to let them into the mechanisms of a society that does not concern them outside, but in we are in full and straight, to start enjoying this new generation with a new perspective, not of exploitation but of investment for the common good.

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