The Committee Oltreserchio and Colline Lucchesi makes an appeal to the President of the Province, the Mayor , to City Council, the District , for you to take steps to resolve the great discrimination for information is undergoing a part of the territory of Lucca, namely the villages of wedding and Balbo, who still do not receive ADSL ; other forms activated for the connection, in addition to being more expensive than wiring with fiber optics, are less efficient and restrictive.
This sort of territorial discrimination must cease absolutely is undemocratic citizens and creates a serious and in-class citizens relating to access information, accessibility today means guarantee of democracy and equal opportunity on the social scene and cultural .
The moment is propitious, since the completion of the second batch of sewage wedding at Castle Balbano, working in the roadway corresponding to the allocation of pipeline and then the same could be proceed to put in place in the fiber optic pipelines ADSL by Telecom. For this to happen should Province, Municipality, District Council make a common front to intervene and require a Telecom ADSL bringing in these two villages still sadly lacking.
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