Thursday, March 25, 2010

Swf To Jar Games Converter


Berlusconi wants to ban them for only the intercepts him. With the "credit bau" Alfano, Schifani, Minzolini ... The shameful story delle18 phone calls made by the Communications Authority Berlusconi, in order to interfere in the powers of that to get the program closes Santoro, as is known has come to light due to interception telefoniche.La What did irritate Berlusconi and his henchmen (Bonaiuti, Bondi, Cicchitto, and company) that have once again declared that: 1. Need to pass the law on interceptions, which more than "the" is "against" and actually prevent the second. That there is always the same plot of judges that allow leaks to the news which nobody pays. The "trust bau" Schifani immediately said: 'It would be desirable to have shed light on this concern as soon as possible leak'. . 'Now the confidentiality of investigations, with the publication of the wiretapping, I think no longer exists. I think we need to respond with clear and effective investigations that finally come to find out where the rot. "That is a statement hilarious (maybe it was a prey to the fumes of alcohol as the Quaestor of Rome when he said that the streets were 150 000 only!) in view of what has emerged and that is the first to violate the confidentiality of investigations was another "trust bau" Minzolini, shortly after being questioned. A part that is unheard of gravity of the fact that the second position in the State (aiuto!) is concerned about those who put out the news instead of the gravity of the contents of those calls. The "trust bau" Alfano, for its part, has been sent inspectors to Trani. I wonder if he will send them in Milan (I'm not sure) where time is another story in the light of far more serious violation of rules, which was part of the usual Berlusconi. In short, December 24, 2005 (was still Prime Minister) the CEO (that Roberto Raffaelli) of a company (RCS-Research Control System) by the prosecutor in charge of intercepting the chairman of Unipol, Consort, makes him feel, in preview and in breach of the duty of confidentiality criminally set, the phone log with Fassino ("then we have a bank?"). Regardless of you are facing a villain who was violating the law, the President of ConsiglioBerlusconi not only the drives but said: "The family will thank you for all eternity," according to the account of one of the parties involved. Already the use of the word family is a direct link in terms of its vocabulary of the Mafia. In more finished face to face, the characters involved in the affair would have shipped in an anonymous package, the shut-il Giornale, owned by the Berlusconi family. And seven days after the newspaper published an exclusive content of the interception. Moral of the story. Berlusconi is not only a capopolo, as Bersani claims, but a real ringleader, who like all the band is ready to say everything and its opposite, depending on its interests and its friends. And it is clear he wants the law on wiretapping in reality because they do not do more, unless it is to order him to attack his political opponents.
Antonio Borghesi Blog Peter


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