"and I believe that so many believers have lost authority. Many are moving away from the Church for your moral elastic" Don Paolo Farinella
This letter, written by Don Paolo Farinella, priest and biblical scholar of the diocese of Genoa to the bishop and Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco, was sent a few weeks ago and runs for days on the Internet. Berlusconi's about the story, seen through the eyes of a priest. In light of recent events and the stance of Christian families who asked to speak to the Church, its contents become much alive. Dear Mr. Cardinal, we live in the same city and we belong to the Church herself: her bishop, I am a priest. She is also head of the Italian bishops, sharing 50% between Genoa and Rome. In Genoa it is said that she is not much involved in the life of the diocese in Rome and probably say the same in reverse. It 's the fate of the salesmen and Cardinals in percentage. With this public document, I turn to 50% of the cardinal who is the President of the CEI, but even 50% of which is the cardinal bishop of Genoa because the choices of the first to fall directly affecting the people of his city. I read his inaugural address at the 59th General Assembly of the CEI (24-29 May 2009) and also his press conference on May 29, 2009. I was struck by the delicacy, as if the trouble which he has dealt with - or rather did not deal with - the moral (or immoral?) That invests in our country because of the conduct of the Prime Minister, now proven unequivocally: habitual a minor, perjury on children, use of falsehood as an instrument of government, planning lie in the mass media under control, such as slander political struggle.
you and the Secretary of the IEC have toned down the words until broth diluted with drinkable even by novices in a convent. Yet the allegations are serious and reliable sources: the wife's husband publicly accused the Chairman of the "minors attend," states that must be treated "like a sick man," described him as "the dragon which must be offered in sacrifice virgins" . The interviews published by one (sic) Italian newspaper in the desert dell'omertà of all others and by almost all the foreign press, confirmed beyond any doubt that the Prime Minister has lied to the nation and continues to lie about his judicial processes, sull'inazione of his government. A decree of a court of first instance has certified that he is corrupting witnesses called to court and use the lie as a means of ordinary life and government. And yet you boast of Catholic morality: God, Country, Family. In a compliant TV has turned into his own private affair into a public use it for electoral purposes, without any restraint and institutional ethics. You, Mr.. Cardinal, presents the teachings of the bishops (and the Pope) as the guarantor of moral, centered on the person and family values, yet neither she nor the bishops have said a word to clear a man, head of the government, which has brought our people at lower than the moral degradation, enhancing the instincts of seduction, strength / smarts and individual selfishness. The bishops attending the moral decay of the country blind and mute, unvoiced, buried in a fog of incense, which prevents them from seeing the "truth" that is the naked reality. " Your attitude is a recidivist because you used the same language with harmless the rejection of immigrants in violation of all the dictates of law and ethics and the social doctrine of the Catholic Church, with which the government is usually gargle to your satisfaction and for your joke. You have done a blizzard against cohabitation (I say) and safeguards attached, you did fail in a referendum in the name of the supreme "Non-negotiable principles" and now you have nothing else to say except that your little words are "for all", that is for anyone. The people of faith and believing otherwise is divided into two categories: the bewildered and resigned. The first do not understand why you have not spared slapped all'integerrimo and practicing Catholic, Prof. Romano Prodi, while carrying out any immorality of Berlusconi. Do not give an acquittal might have, where you strive to point out that in the field of ethics you "speak for all"? This allows you to blank expression not to appoint any individual to save the goat and the general moral (ie, immorality) and cabbages substantial interests that are involved: in the same interview she has advanced the request for more funding for private schools, paying for itself in relation to the two facts. And 'maybe a warning that unless there's funding, you are ready to download the current government and the majority who stand under the Catholic vote atheists? Many began to leave the Church and to devote the 8xmille to other religions: you surely know that the tenders to the Catholic Church continued to decline, must, however, know that teaching is a direct consequence of the nonexistent Cei that changed the prophecy in diplomacy in servility, and the truth. Catholics are even worse because resigned conclude that if the bishops did not condemn Berlusconi and Berlusconi, it means that is not serious and go over to sexual lifestyles with built-in harem, method of government based on lies, on lies and hatred of the opponent but to win at all costs. The Catholic vote and the Catholic women vie for a model of corruption, whose TV and newspapers morally unscrupulous deform our people with "TV model" despicable, immoral and quarrelsome. In the eyes of our people, you, the Bishops silent, you are jointly responsible and their accomplices, who is blamed or, even worse, try to diminish the importance of personal responsibility. The people have coded this crime with the saying is as a thief who steals because those who hold out your bag. Why parade the bag and Berlusconi His most foul? Why not raise your voice to say that our people are a people from the tv addict, 50% of personal property and for the other 50% under the direct influence of the Prime Minister? Why not say a word about conflict of interest that is crushing the legality and the fundamental ethos of our country? Why continue to fornicate with an immoral man who preaches the Catholic values \u200b\u200bof family and then divorced, remarried, divorced again, and surrounds himself with minors to amuse his senile svirilità? Why not say that such men have nothing in common as believers, pastors and as guarantor of Catholic morality? Why do not you have disavowed when it rejected immigrants be handed over to certain death? It is not the same man who made a decree to save all the plant life of Eluana? Are not you the same people who defend life "from its beginning to its natural end"? The life of blacks is less than that of a white? Up to this point have been contaminated by the heresy of the League and Berlusconi? Why not say that Catholics who support him in any way, share responsibility and accomplices of his crimes that natural ethics conviction? How far are the times of St. Ambrose to Theodosius in 390 prevented from entering the cathedral of Milan because "even the Emperor and the Church, not above the Church." You honor a calf gold. And I, believe me, many other believers think that she and the bishops have lost your authority and you have denied your teaching because you are acting on interest and not for truth. For expediency, not gospel. A sink and a majority government, a slave master who has a lot of money from "mammon iniquitatis, it was prepared to weld any economic demand on the principle that every individual and institution have their price. The promise includes your silence - it must be said - silence is golden? When your silence does not hold evidence of the facts of ignominy, you, the experts, weigh the words spoken to mother-in-law and daughter in law because it seeks, but without too disturbing, "truncate, ... quell quell, truncate. Mr. Cardinal, remembers his uncle of the Betrothed? "See your paternity are things, as I said to her, finirsi from among us, to be buried here, stirring things too ... do worse. You know what follows: quest'urti, these peaks, starting at times from a trifle, and they go on, go on ... to find the bottom, or if it is headed, or They come out of a hundred other tricks. assuage, truncate, most reverend Father: truncate, quell "(A. Manzoni , The Betrothed, chap. IX). We have to think that the accusations of pedophilia to the Chairman of the lies and try to be the country a "trifle" they lose enough for the "five Pater, Hail Mary and Glory "? The situation was described in a fierce offensive to you and former President of the Republic, Francesco Cossiga, you have not refuted:" The Church has very matter of private behavior. But in a monogamous devout [read: Prodi] that challenges some of his directives and spoils a female instead gives a real hand, the Church says spoils the good girls. Ecclesia et meretrix caste "(La Stampa, 08/05/2009). Allow me to recall to his memory, a step of a Father of the Church, the upright Saint Hilary of Poitiers, which is already in sec. IV warned by flattery and gifts from the Emperor Constantius, the Caesars of Berlusconi's turn: "We no longer have an anti-Christian emperor that haunts us, but we must fight against a persecutor even more insidious enemy that flatters; lashes back there but I caressing her belly, not confiscate our goods (thus giving us life), but it enriches us to give us death; does not impel us toward freedom by putting in jail, but inviting us to slavery and honored in the palace, there affects the body, but takes possession of the heart, not cutting the head with the sword, but it kills the soul with money "(Hilary of Poitiers, against the Emperor Constantius 5). Dear Mr. Cardinale, in the name of the God she claims to represent, give us a taste of prophecy, a whisper of gospel, a flash of summer coherence of faith and credibility. If you do not can do 50% attributable to the president of the CEI 'best interests to "do it at least 50% held by the bishop of a city where many, many people are turning away from the life of the Church because of the moral elasticity of the Italian bishops based on the principle of opportunism that is the denial of truth and connective tissue of civil society. You spoke of an "educational emergency" that is also the theme for the next decade and has complained about "negative models of television." I suppose you know that TV does not come under the Arch of Titus, but they have an owner who is head of government and in the double role affects programs, advertising, economy, models and styles of life, ethics and behavior of young people who can not offer the prospect of nothing but "tissue" or alternatively as a parliamentarian to the Head who gives jobs to the parliament as a loyalty bonus to those who proved most helpful, especially if women . They say the news that the sultan has gloat in front of his reaction because he feared worse, and if he says that he is an expert, I can believe. Now with the blessing of your tickling, may continue in its wanton and enterprise in the trafficking of minors to be sacrificed on the altar of the temple of his narcissism, paranoid, to the benefit of the country Berlusconistan, as the British press has called Italy. Dear Mr. Cardinale, we can hope yet the bishops exercise their authority with the service authority, no alchemy to cover the expense of the rich and powerful clarity of truth as taught by John the Baptist cries all'Erode duty without fear for his life: "Do not Licet? Precursor to his words of conviction cost him his life, while you your "silent" for good luck. Waiting for his reply Best regards.