Saturday, January 9, 2010

Install Remote Car Starter In Syracuse


For several days it is raining, the river remains paradoxically and dangerously "low.
We therefore believe, until proven otherwise, that the dams are filling. The management of dams comes from afar, with no ties to the land, mica not wait to empty when they are full, creating another wave of catastrophic flood?
would not be appropriate to drain more quantity of water from dams in the river making sure to keep them below the level of flood plain and thus avoid unmanageable floods?
This also in view of the estate of the banks that the state institutions compromised and able, at present, to resist is only half the full amount of routinely tolerated. The Committee

Oltreserchio Colline Lucchesi and strongly emphasizes that the issue of reimbursement of damages must be addressed within the commissioning homeland security, in this sense we expect municipalities, provinces, region, state, to sit around a table and draw up a program of actions to be funded immediately, in order to prevent the recurrence of the disastrous events that took place in Lucca and Pisa.

The Committee also calls for transparency about the responsibilities of the various bodies over streams, the river, its banks, in short, throughout the hydraulic system of the territory, from the source to the sea. In this sense it has to be made public who have to do and what is required to make in relation to the hydraulic system.

should also give priority to investment in the safety of the area,
(by the Province of Pisa is stated that: "The plan of the basin Serchio, which provides, inter alia, the strengthening the banks of the river, is Ready-to-four years but the government has never funded. ... we are ready for a long time the building projects of the banks but from four years has not been given a € for the plan of the basin and we do what we can and that is the ongoing maintenance of levees and alluvial sites.)
avoiding that resources are used in non-priority sectors, and then laying the foundations so that the disasters are avoided and with it that onerous actions do not solve the problems.
should be contrasted to the business of emergency for a culture prevention of person who respects the land and provides activities and economic system.
Although apparently removes arguments to make prevention campaigns.
But this is due to citizens who are tired of this bad habit.

OCL. Oltreserchio and Colline Lucchesi


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