Thursday, January 14, 2010

Anthem Blue Cross Versus Kaiser 2010


Author Pancho Pardi
We missed the beatification on live TV (last night) for Craxi, but now has come through Minzolini and its editorial evening. We are just at the final
employment piduista media for any purpose.
Once again the director of the ineffable Ammannato TG1 has a page of real journalism to the Master's Voice, reaching to compare the former secretary of the Socialist Party, condemned, with characters who have scored positive in the history of the last century, Pope Wojtyla. All
to attack the judiciary again, guilty of doing their duty, and how many judges have taken a political career.
The reason is clear: because Berlusconi is the poisoned fruit of Craxi, reassess it has a purpose for the premier.
At this point we ask the Director General of RAI to provide a true independent journalist, the TG1, the same space in order to rebalance the Minzolini incredible bias of the director.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

How Long Does It Take To Treat Vasomotor Rhinitis

Shipyards irregular De Corato discovers the problem?

are 406 yards Milan in 2009 for alleged violation of safety rules at work. "There's a bad practice, widespread, illegal to hire illegal workers," said the deputy mayor of Milan and Head of the Security De Corato. That is said to support the proposal of the French Minister of Labour, Xavier Bertrand, to close the shipyard employing labor force in an unlawful manner. "It 's an idea that the Italian government should revive, and if he will not advance myself as a member of a legislative proposal in this direction."
Well, finally. On this (modest) blog (21/03/2009) I had already denounced as one of the possible causes of illegal immigration, a large, concrete, tangible, working in black. And live on, speculating on the part of employers. Both are so many desperate people.
Now, after two months of the Lombardy regional elections, the deputy mayor "discovers" the problem. Moreover it is also a member, would also have legislative power. The interest in this field make me be (a lot) skeptical.
be wrong?

(Source: D-NEWS 12:01:10)

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Cervical Mucus After Implantation Snot

When human life provides only a duty ... to work

An incredible story, sad, or when human life and dignity of a person is important only for one thing: work.
involved: a child of 5 years, a Moroccan woman alone, the world (merciless) of many cooperative cleaning. Where the dignity and rights are often only on paper. Here is the article:


Mantua, Moroccan dies in house
sleep for hours after the five year old daughter
According friend was sick for days but did not want to go to the doctor for fear of losing their jobs

Fathia Fikri (Ansa) MANTUA - She died of an illness and his body was watched for some hours after the five year old daughter. It happened to Acquanegra on Churches in Mantua, in an apartment where mother and daughter living alone. Fathia Fikri, 43, Moroccan, was found near the bed, his face bloodied from a friend worried because he could not contact her. Next the child, scared but convinced that his mother was asleep.
WAS NOT FROM THE DOCTOR - The police at first thought of aggression but also some acquaintances of the woman said Fathia had confided to them was not feeling well a few days ago: So, what has the possibility of a sudden illness . So much more than a friend revealed that she had not gone to the doctor for fear of having to stay home sick and miss work. Fathia was employed in a cooperative cleaning. Hence a woman may fall and you hit the face on the floor by getting the wound. On Monday, the judge will decide whether to turn the autopsy.

(CORRIERE.IT from the January 10, 2010)

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Install Remote Car Starter In Syracuse


For several days it is raining, the river remains paradoxically and dangerously "low.
We therefore believe, until proven otherwise, that the dams are filling. The management of dams comes from afar, with no ties to the land, mica not wait to empty when they are full, creating another wave of catastrophic flood?
would not be appropriate to drain more quantity of water from dams in the river making sure to keep them below the level of flood plain and thus avoid unmanageable floods?
This also in view of the estate of the banks that the state institutions compromised and able, at present, to resist is only half the full amount of routinely tolerated. The Committee

Oltreserchio Colline Lucchesi and strongly emphasizes that the issue of reimbursement of damages must be addressed within the commissioning homeland security, in this sense we expect municipalities, provinces, region, state, to sit around a table and draw up a program of actions to be funded immediately, in order to prevent the recurrence of the disastrous events that took place in Lucca and Pisa.

The Committee also calls for transparency about the responsibilities of the various bodies over streams, the river, its banks, in short, throughout the hydraulic system of the territory, from the source to the sea. In this sense it has to be made public who have to do and what is required to make in relation to the hydraulic system.

should also give priority to investment in the safety of the area,
(by the Province of Pisa is stated that: "The plan of the basin Serchio, which provides, inter alia, the strengthening the banks of the river, is Ready-to-four years but the government has never funded. ... we are ready for a long time the building projects of the banks but from four years has not been given a € for the plan of the basin and we do what we can and that is the ongoing maintenance of levees and alluvial sites.)
avoiding that resources are used in non-priority sectors, and then laying the foundations so that the disasters are avoided and with it that onerous actions do not solve the problems.
should be contrasted to the business of emergency for a culture prevention of person who respects the land and provides activities and economic system.
Although apparently removes arguments to make prevention campaigns.
But this is due to citizens who are tired of this bad habit.

OCL. Oltreserchio and Colline Lucchesi

Friday, January 8, 2010

Who Does Body Sugaring In North Carolina

Councillor League safety drunk driving

in trouble-vigilant security assessor: drunk driving, disqualified

What is the last straw for a municipal police officer and city councilor to the author of Security crusades against alcohol abuse and shouting? Get caught drunk driving, and be seen by colleagues to withdraw the license of the police. Except that, more than full, this is the misfortune, true, which was the main character's Eve, Alex Steer, a young consultant with League's delegation to the Security of a common Veronese, San Pietro in Cariano.
Jailbird, as told by the Arena, was the New Year. Steer, municipal agent (is alert ecological) Pescantina currently on leave to perform full-time political activity, was caught by police on the night of Dec. 31 as part of the intensification of road checks linked to the party. Steer was caught driving with a BAC higher than normal, so as to impose a maxi-fine and the immediate withdrawal of the license. Almost a mocking
retaliation for the young consultant who, with the addition of the town of San Pietro in Cariano led by Mayor Gabriele Mestrelli, was among the leaders, recently, a crusade against alcohol. A true holy war against the excesses, especially among the young. Throughout the city of San Pietro in Cariano was prohibited from selling alcohol to under 16s, complete with a fine of € 500 for dealers who do not comply with the ban. A campaign mocking sounds doubly now, because the slip of the steering's Eve. One slip, however, not entirely unexpected. Yes, because the young consultant League some small sign of over-indulgence too rigid rules, at least for those at the wheel, he had already given. On the social networking site Facebook, in fact, is among the fans of a group that is against speed cameras.

Adapted from the January 6, 2010 THE GIORNALE.IT

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Particals Seen In Urine Is That Normal


gladly receive and publish the post left by OCL. Oltreserchio and Colline Lucchesi:

not share anything about the analysis and conclusions made in relation to the recent flood of pundits who have greatly contributed to the current situation.

We can not do without detect also, like many people who have and / or have had responsibility in the government of the territory, are totally incapable of self-criticism, tend to have low memory and the blame on others, sometimes even citizens.

The Oltreserchio as it stands today, it has not rained from the sky, the building development that has occurred, however, far from the concentration and densification realizzatasi in other areas, has made over the last thirty years based on forecast planning shared by all the political spectrum and we understand that many guides, chirping here and there, have made their contribution.
Oltreserchio nevertheless substantially developed its vocation in accordance with the residential area that still deliver high quality, the quality of the ancient landscape of Lucca, elsewhere, often degraded and cleared by the excessive overbuilding.

That said, Oltreserchio claim the same right to be placed in safety, compared to hydraulic risk, guaranteed to other areas of the city of Lucca.
Oltreserchio the idea that should be the overflow of the Serchio idea is insane and shameful. The times are not more than a hundred years ago, even if someone seems to think otherwise.

We also note that in the alluvial areas, over time, was made of anything and everything, and many initiatives have been taken for their confirmation and implementation of security, more so this should be done for the territory dell'Oltreserchio .

There are people who today stand in the courts, often blaming the people, people who have short memories, people who wanted the establishment of educational facilities, such as middle school and elementary Custer de Nobili, in one of the most risk Serchio Basin, surrounded by three cases of expansion than the same roof, with further real estate development "compensatory" area concerned. These are the locations and actions that should be avoided, it is useless to preach hours after scratching badly.

What to do? Starting from the observation of the illuminating city of Santa Maria in Colle that historically the banks of the Serchio have always known address the full, even worse, the Serchio, while in the last ten years have yielded the same banks twice. How is this possible? Fatality or lack of professionalism, maintenance of political will?

We note that for some time have been set up bodies, structures and superstructures that have studied the regime of the territory and established management strategies Serchio River, which is certainly good, but we must also be noted that it has gradually failed to work continuous, timely and effective maintenance and control of embankments and flood plain area.

The population dell'Oltreserchio asks that local authorities and leaders, to publicly commit themselves to secure the Oltreserchio, planning interventions and reinforcement of raising the levees in a short time, which is immediately activated by a control, monitoring and ongoing maintenance of existing embankments, which has approved a regulation for the use of riverside land to ensure the highest respect for the existing embankments .

unfortunate event of a future need for people to be fully informed about what to do, it should be a regional network capable of real-time alerting the public, including through the use of computer and audio signals to alert graduate for the different levels of risk.

We also ask that as part of the new functions of the former psychiatric hospital is expected to relocate in that area and group of school equipment now located in the area at risk, as declared by the Basin.
The recent flood, just for a chance did not cause casualties. The population has been severely tested and expect action, not speeches, both as regards the appearance of the damage through adequate compensation, both with regard to safety in relation to those events which have occurred.

OCL.Oltreserchio and Colline Lucchesi