Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Shaved Pubic Area Percentage

A chance of conscience.

mobilization campaign

stop the production of the F35 fighter

Description of the campaign and materials to help
Cacciabombardiere F35

Italy will spend 15 billion for new fighter aircraft F35 . Pax Christi Italy launched a mobilization campaign to seek to suspend participation in the design of the F35 fighter-bombers. Asks everyone to write to MPs in view the discussion of F35 that will be in Parliament in mid-March. Instead of investing in schools, universities, research for the third sector and international cooperation, it is incredibly invested in new weapons. Article. 11 of our Constitution "rejects war ...." " The arms race ... is an aggression that is crime: Armaments, if not put in place, with their high cost they kill the poor, making them starve . "(The Holy See and the general disarmament, 1976 )

Yes, you can still stop this project, other nations have done so. You still can not obscure the dream of Isaiah "They shall beat their swords into plowshares ... neither shall they learn war any more." Reversed!
Because the war is ' adventure without return '.

here beside you can download the flyer with all the information and the text of the letter to be sent to parliamentarians. campaign flyer NO F35

Letter to send to MPs (Country NO F35) :
preprinted letter to be completed and sent to parliament to stop the production of the F35 fighter-bombers.

Or by calling: National Secretariat Pax Christi tel. 055-2020375 e-mail:

Read more:

Friday, February 18, 2011

Nick Berry Valentine Productions 2010

Pollution: nothing to declare

Living in an area of \u200b\u200bthe most polluted in the world, the Po valley, after more than a month of "slippage" of the thresholds of attention I expected meetings, position papers, promises to do. None of this. The Province of Milan (De Nicola, again) has just lowered the speed limit on the streets of its relevance (including the Milan-Meda) at 70 km / h. . Not that the first was much more. He was 80. And very few respected him. Imagine with 70. The province of Monza has set yet another table to address the problem with some 'of local mayors (of all political backgrounds, of course) but other than some vague promise of boiler controls, nothing more. Nothing on public transport by incentives as the only means to exit from '(eternal) environmental emergency. Nothing on the reduction of vehicular traffic, which is responsible for the most part, of particulate pollution. Nothing on "by the iron" to increase rail, trains to be renewed, to be made more precise, clean and so on and so forth. None. What is the new Province of Monza and Brianza? Boh! Surely it costs us. For the rest: not reached.

For the photo you would like to thank the blog:

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Can I Eat With Swollen Lymph Nodes?

"I hope you will not ever understand" object or object

Hi everyone! I return to write on this blog by offering you a reflection that I made up a phrase that I was told by the old rector of the seminary where I am now (which I do not say the name but surely many of you have seen at least once!): "May you never be understood, because the world is full of people who think you understand everything." This sentence, you probably already know enough, have caused me some considerations, that even if they seem trivial, however, share them with you. The first thing that came to mind on this "high" about my journey of faith and slowly growing awareness that this fascinating journey often leads to having to accept that we must move forward in some cases "to admit he does not understand": that is, there's those moments when you realize that the depth of experience that we are experiencing can not be fully lived if not with the knowledge that you can not ever fully understand, who do not can never be completely locked up in a logical explanation, the schematic outline or "geometrically" defined, but instead will result if accepted as truly experience that will illuminate the path to Sometimes, for the pretense of wanting to lead alone, it is less clear. It 's a little bit what many call the "creature of the human condition, which often frightens precisely because he goes for finding the limits and do not possess the truth about ourselves, but which, if well lived, I think can really open our hearts to the One who always goes before us. An 'other consideration on this sentence I was on the theme of friendship, about how often I see as true friends (in my experience) are not what my problem any more and have a ready answer immediately, but instead those who advise me something before I offer a shoulder to be able to vent, those people who silently stand by me in difficult times, the friendship that start by listening, not the answer. I do not know if I'm a little out of the topic, but I hope they are useful for all considerations, as are a few years for me too.
