Friday, January 14, 2011

How To Make Pinguecula Go Away

Women: Women?

Hello all, dear readers.
morning wandering among the blogs, I met a very interesting article, which touched me very closely, both because it concerns something that happened a few days ago, and because it concerns me as a woman! The article can be found and read by clicking here , and is about a particular event occurring at the Pitti Immagine show, the fashion event that has just concluded in Florence. The question of my title is obviously provocative in these cases, the woman uses art as an object, ie as an instrument, or the woman is the object of art??
The blog article shows two examples in my view quite different: the first calendar Oliviero Toscani the second an old ad where the testimonial was Marina Ripa.
Personally this calendar, so exposed, without any meaning, or better, without that meaning has such great importance that go against the scandal, troubles me and reminds me a lot .... not just the ironic and very provocative work of the master Duchamp "Prière de Toucher" ... plus it was placed, at his inauguration, right on the crotch of a naked woman, blindfolded and smiling. I personally saw the rirpodotta in photography, when I visited the Palazzo Diamanti in Ferrara, the exhibition entitled "From Braque, Kandinsky, Chagall " . The message was clear, she was a doll, a body without a mind. And 'perhaps this objectification of women by men (and I intend to objectify the woman an object), that scares me from clever irreverence that a woman can have on itself, because it imparts a woman knows who she is and can only assert itself! Of course if this is the empowerment of women, poor suffragettes! But of course this is just my opinion .... as a good feminist!
