SEARCH WHAT THE BERLUSCONI "It must be hard to live when political power and business meet. I do not envy the fate of the Italians, but finally it is the will of the voters to maintain this state of things or change it. "
(Jose Saramago).
At the end of May 2009, the historic publishing house Einaudi, now under the control of Mondadori, and Berlusconi, refused to publish the book by Portuguese writer Jose Saramago, Nobel Prize for Literature, 'the book'. A collection of writings published on his blog. The political controversy ignited and then the book was published by Basic Books Bollati.
Here is an excerpt from his blog DEFINES WHERE THE "WHAT BERLUSCONI:
not find another name to call it. Something dangerously close to a human being, something that gives parties, orgies organizes and controls in a country called Italy. This thing, this disease, the virus threatens to be the cause of death in the country of Verdi moral if a deep regurgitation does not remove it from the consciousness of Italians before the poison to corrode the veins end by destroying the heart of one of the richest European cultures . The founding values \u200b\u200bof human society are trampled every day by slimy legs of the thing that Berlusconi, among his various talents, has even the acrobatic ability to misuse words, twisting the intent and meaning, as in the case of the Pole of Liberty, the name of the party through which he gained power. I called him a thug and I do not regret this. For the sake of semantics and social others can explain better than me, the word thug in Italy has a more negative charge than in any other language spoken in Europe. It was to make a clear and effective in what I think of what Berlusconi that I used the term in the meaning that the language of Dante's has assigned over time, although it seems to me highly unlikely that Dante ever used. Delinquency, in my Portuguese means, according to the dictionaries and the daily practice of communication, "an act to commit crimes, disobey the law or moral dictates." The definition fits without a wrinkle to what Berlusconi, to the point that seems to be his second skin something that you wear for the occasion. It is many years that the thing Berlusconi commits crimes of varying severity but always demonstrated. Beyond this, not only disobeyed the laws, but even worse, if they have built up other measures to protect its public and private interests of politicians, businessmen and accompanying minors, regarding the moral demands instead not even worth talking about it, everyone knows in Italy and around the world that it is now Berlusconi has long fallen in absolute abjection. This is the Italian prime minister, this is what the Italian people have elected him twice so he could serve as a model, this is the way to the ruins that are dragging the values \u200b\u200bof freedom and dignity of which they were pregnant with music Greens and the exploits of Garibaldi, who made Italy the nineteenth century, during the struggle for unity, a spiritual guide for Europe and Europeans. This is the thing that Berlusconi wants to throw in the lot of 'garbage of history. Italians will enable it to him?