Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Why Is My Bathroom Grout Coming Out


the concern about the soundness of the banks of the Serchio now adds one for holding the bank of Contesora recently "made safe". In particular

the problem is present in the stretch before the dewatering Nuovoche Bridge was the subject of action fifteen years ago.

People talk and says that the drive (not really professional) of the dewatering, which have pumped the water from leaking Serchio Contesora in the stream, caused a large gash in the concrete lining of the same.

This would have highlighted the lack of a network of iron in cast concrete that has cased the bank and its thickness inadequate to withstand the direct stream (after a clumsy operation) of the pumps.

Right now work is under way to plug the hole that endangers the safety near dell'Oltreserchio Contesora the right, so far escaped the flood.

would be interesting to see if the rumors are true that say that the cement cladding Contesora was run without a minimum of binding, guaranteed dall'indispensabile network of iron!

The relevant authorities would also take on an ongoing basis to ensure a timely and effective maintenance of the banks of streams and the Serchio and adopt a regulation prohibiting the use of flood plain in the most absolute way the clearing of the water meadows prospettanti the banks as well as the prohibition of grazing on the banks themselves, must be provided systematic and severe criminal and administrative penalties for offenders .
the same authorities are asked to proceed with the raising of the bank Serchio Castle wedding in Ponte San Pietro, as the Province of Pisa has already achieved a rise by the same banks to Filettole Nozzano Castle. To date, therefore, resulting in the lower stretch of riverbank, and as saying goes Castle wedding in Ponte S. Pietro, in case of flooding of the river there is a danger of flooding in that section.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

How To Make A3 Posters


From Beppe Grillo Beppe Scienza economist interview on the theft of severance pay to workers

Mathematician and economist Beppe Scienza you a gift for the new year. A tip that will save the value of severance pay to those who have not yet entrusted to pension funds. Spread the word to all workers, your colleagues or friends to hold on TFR in 2010. When will receive an orange envelope with a request to move the TFR in pension funds declined. To pick up some adhesions there will probably be more in the silence / assent, and then you respond to force. On 6 June 2007, well before the economic crisis, the public blog post: "The TFR murmured" with the same advice: "If you work in the private sector and not say anything before the end of June, your severance pay will go into the savings managed. An adventure to shake your wrists. For two decades, mutual funds are losing money. And pension funds are ready to repeat the same disasters. The tacit consent is a trap. They change the cards on the table without asking for anything. It 's the game of the three tablets with the money of a lifetime. It is true that building a pension supplement: give severance pay to feed the asset management industry.. "Who then has maintained its TFR has earned the company who has invested in funds has lost a digit! Interview with Beppe Scienza "The latest addition to the TFR has aroused great indignation, even if in fact it is not the worst. The novelty is that the Budget Law for 2010 will use those money that companies, rather than keep them in front of the severance pay of their employees to INPS have is not the worst thing, because it really affects the situation of workers, but unfortunately are other things that affect or will affect or threaten to touch the situation lavoratori.La bipartisan reform of severance pay, determined earlier by Maroni and Berlusconi and Tremonti with the government then brought forward by one year by the Prodi government, was one of the more left-handed throws pulled the Italian workers in the last decenni.Il true deception , the real trick, the real lies that is being spread by various economists scheme is another, and is the basis of the speech with which you want to get people to join the supplementary pension and it is this discourse. The pensions will be low and therefore not sufficient to integrate must transfer the TFR to pension funds, well, this is a lie pretty and good! It may well be that pensions will be low, although it is difficult to predict in 40 years will be as pensions, provide for a distance of 40 years will be as pensions, as are wages, as prices will be virtually impossible. But even if true that will be low, it is false that to have an additional return must transfer the TFR to pension funds or other insurance products: no one takes severance pay, and when cashing the settlement, if it wants to use these numbers to have and a supplementary pension, if that figure is higher than what is left instead to the poor fellow who has joined a pension fund, who has not signed a supplementary pension will be higher than those who are aderito.Ci samples, not in the noble art of making fun of the Italian workers who tell them things even ridiculous, I take a concrete example, one of these samples is called Marco Lo Conte and is a reporter for Il Sole 24 Ore, the daily bulletin of Confindustria, in which he says - I quote from Saturday, October 24, 2009 on page Plus24 4 of the charge - that "for those who do not adhere to the supplementary pension is assured trailer that is sure to be in old age, to live in a trailer without even the food cats "and this would cover 18 million of the 23 million Italian workers. Well, say that anyone who does not adhere to the supplementary pension is certain to end up living in trailer only shows that Il Sole 24 Ore lack a sense of ridicolo.Con 2010 should reach all employees of the envelopes, it appears orange, But the color is irrelevant where they are told what is likely to be their retirement. The purpose of these orange bags is to scare the workers and encourage them, push them to what? Pension funds or other insurance products. So this is what a prudent person should not own fare.Dare their money to pension funds means running two risks with the TFR does not run: the first loss - and we have seen well in 2008 - is that a crack down on financial markets face value what one has put aside, this is not bankruptcy, pension funds do not fail even mutual funds do not fail, however, can lose 90% without fail. The other risk is that inflation is starting again. What is certain is that, in front of both of these risks, a crack in the financial markets and the spread of inflation, which can also happen even both together, because sometimes the bad news comes along, who holds the TFR is quiet, because the value of severance pay is not dependent on financial markets and, if inflation, the TFR follows an excellent inflation. Now, the Minister Sacconi has repeatedly predicted that "we will start a new period of silence / assent," that is six months in which, automatically if no one decides, his money goes into funds pensione.Il TFR is good for workers, good enough for workers, good enough for companies, but does not gain the bankers, because employees take the money companies and the bank does not put in half to make his crest does not earn the insurers, which are not absolutely in the game, we should not win because fund managers do not manage anything, does not make the trade unions, because they do not have to put their men, as they put them in pension funds for managing the administration, does not earn the officials of the Confindustria and the sponsorship of other organizations, which instead in pension funds also make their own men , does not earn university teachers, no gain economists, because the TFR goes on his own, and economists can not have advice, can not be on the boards of pension funds can not earn above. In short, the TFR is something that is good only for workers and companies, not the other gains and others have tried to destroy it. Fortunately, there are still successful! "Beppe Scienza