Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Man Public Masterbation

E Formigoni goes to Los Angeles

The President of the Lombardy Region, Roberto Formigoni, left yesterday for Los Angeles, United States, to participate in the summit of United Nations on the role of regional and sub-national governments with respect to climate change. "With the participation of to testify in person at the meeting of United Nations Program devolopment the important experience of the Lombardy Region in the context of environmental policies. "
sorry governor, but what are these policies?

(source E-POLIS MILAN, 3O-09-09 )

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The Acrostics Republican

Our concept of security? It 'a very different ..

So said the secretary of the Northern League of Verano Brianza, Mr. Tentori Flavio, who has asked him what he thought of the numerous fines on the nearby Valassina.
and explain things first: first Verano Brianza is a small town in the new province of Monza and Brianza.
The story: the stretch of motorway linking Milan to Lecco (Valassina fact), in the part of veranese road through the town, about two thousand motorists were immortalized dall'Autovelox the Municipal Police. Article of the road broken? Speeding. It was formed
the queue outside the town hall to pay or contest the fines. Several actions are announced to the magistrate. The newspaper
Brianza THE NATIONAL asked what he thought the group leader of the Northern League veranese Mr. Tentori.
who said: "We have received several complaints. If we want to mask the use of the safety camera with a desire to give more security to the territory, our idea of \u200b\u200bsecurity is quite another. Rather than looking at the camera for hours on Valassina , we would be much happier if our policemen were employed to control illegal immigration, to prevent theft and vandalism, and more constantly present on the territory. "
short for Mr. Tentori exceed the speed limit on a road is dangerous as Valassina question "of goat wool," while the brigade should be doing more serious things.
Sure, you could write books about the usefulness and the correctness of the fines. Very often, are given in an inflexible way of motorists for minor deficiencies. Surely there ' was the fashion, by some municipalities to give fines to make cash.
But there is no doubt the deterrent effect of sanctions. Who dares to go through the red when around the corner There is a policeman? O to exceed the speed limit in the presence of a speed camera?
Returning to the answer given by Mr. Tentori, a few lines below is belied by the facts on the same page (24, edition of September 19, 2009) where it is said that on an adjacent section (junction Giussano) have been four accidents in one day.
bad side, this does not interest us ... I wonder what they think about the families of the incidents.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

How To Make An Airhole Bandana

Promises slipped, broken promises?

Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi is a person who promises. Very.
He did it ever, when, in 1994, fell in politics. With the earthquake
Abruzzo has certainly not abandoned this his habit.
The free newspaper Metro News, an edition in a few days ago, brought together some promise, checking if it has been maintained.
The picture is bleak


July 3, 2009: "By September there will be no one in the tent," said the OECD workshop-Ministry of Economy;
Confesercenti Assembly: "On September 15 will be delivered to three thousand homes citizens and the last in November, before the arrival of cold ";
Coppito, July 16, 2009:" By September 2267 villas will be delivered ";
May 29, 2009 press conference in L'Aquila:" In September, everyone will go back to school ".


Villette delivered between 15 and 16 September 2009: 94;
earthquake houses schedule delivery of the CASE project: moved from September 21 to October 30;
Back to school: the Civil Defence is considering slip del'anno school;
people who do not yet have a home: 37,100. 11,100 remain in tents, 16,000 hotels, 10,000 inmates in private homes.

These figures, this is the reality.

Friday, September 11, 2009

How do you drain all the clandestine

Of these incidents do happen and many newspapers do not usually give it prominence. I'm talking about the "almost" tragedy happened at work in Milan, Ripamonti area. A Moroccan workers, irregular, aged 23, was found by passers-by lying on the ground, with a fracture to his head and once in the forehead. His condition is serious. Thanks also to the 118 emergency is brought to the clinic Humanitas. Vivo.
The police intervened on the spot, contact the brother and a friend of the worker, being able to go back to their place of work, a 'machine shop in the area. Reconstructs the incident. The boy had fallen on the floor banging his head after taking a strong shock while repairing a Fiat Stilo. It was used in black for some time.
The manager, Philip R, Italian, 64, initially said he was helping another employee, but must yield before the bloodstains found in the car in for repair. The manager has been under investigation for bodily harm and for hired an employee illegally. The entire hangar was seized for lack of security systems.

(Source: D-NEWS, Sept. 11, 2009)

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Where Can I Buy Mini Helium Canisters

to school ... the PDL in Gubbio

This afternoon at about 18.30, I was listening to the live broadcast of Radio Radical School of Education policy on the PDL in Gubbio. Council listening attentively to the words there.
First, the speaker portion of the (unfortunately I do not know who he is, I could not hear the first part of the action, if I find something on the Internet site) which was made "a mockery" of the presence of the League to the government. This person said it, in the heat of discourse, which the League screams, yells, for the exclusive use of its electorate, but in reality when parliament sits in the Roman one with the PDL
As evidence of this, citing a vote in favor of the League, the Assembly of Deputies and the Senate, at the Catania , Rome capital, Reggio Calabria, Palermo (rescheduling of the debts of these cities).
What can I say? Until now he was right.
He also hit following the intervention, which I followed from the beginning, our Foreign Minister Franco Frattini. Who has dedicated his openness to human solidarity and political Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi. Victim, in his view, disproportionate attacks by the mass media, especially foreign. The problem: not specified at least why. Does not mention, goes further.
At school, in a question, did not merit the sufficiency. Ps

little affected. The Radio Rai GR Parlamento (transmits news from the parliament and politics) have closed the program tonight at h. 22.30, giving way to the school policy PDL usually close "like chickens", to h. 21.00 at most.
Could it be that Richard Berti, Director of Radio GR PARLIAMENT fresh, coming from the Press Office of Forza Italy, wanted to pay homage to the ex-chief?