Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Why Is My Bathroom Grout Coming Out


the concern about the soundness of the banks of the Serchio now adds one for holding the bank of Contesora recently "made safe". In particular

the problem is present in the stretch before the dewatering Nuovoche Bridge was the subject of action fifteen years ago.

People talk and says that the drive (not really professional) of the dewatering, which have pumped the water from leaking Serchio Contesora in the stream, caused a large gash in the concrete lining of the same.

This would have highlighted the lack of a network of iron in cast concrete that has cased the bank and its thickness inadequate to withstand the direct stream (after a clumsy operation) of the pumps.

Right now work is under way to plug the hole that endangers the safety near dell'Oltreserchio Contesora the right, so far escaped the flood.

would be interesting to see if the rumors are true that say that the cement cladding Contesora was run without a minimum of binding, guaranteed dall'indispensabile network of iron!

The relevant authorities would also take on an ongoing basis to ensure a timely and effective maintenance of the banks of streams and the Serchio and adopt a regulation prohibiting the use of flood plain in the most absolute way the clearing of the water meadows prospettanti the banks as well as the prohibition of grazing on the banks themselves, must be provided systematic and severe criminal and administrative penalties for offenders .
the same authorities are asked to proceed with the raising of the bank Serchio Castle wedding in Ponte San Pietro, as the Province of Pisa has already achieved a rise by the same banks to Filettole Nozzano Castle. To date, therefore, resulting in the lower stretch of riverbank, and as saying goes Castle wedding in Ponte S. Pietro, in case of flooding of the river there is a danger of flooding in that section.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

How To Make A3 Posters


From Beppe Grillo Beppe Scienza economist interview on the theft of severance pay to workers

Mathematician and economist Beppe Scienza you a gift for the new year. A tip that will save the value of severance pay to those who have not yet entrusted to pension funds. Spread the word to all workers, your colleagues or friends to hold on TFR in 2010. When will receive an orange envelope with a request to move the TFR in pension funds declined. To pick up some adhesions there will probably be more in the silence / assent, and then you respond to force. On 6 June 2007, well before the economic crisis, the public blog post: "The TFR murmured" with the same advice: "If you work in the private sector and not say anything before the end of June, your severance pay will go into the savings managed. An adventure to shake your wrists. For two decades, mutual funds are losing money. And pension funds are ready to repeat the same disasters. The tacit consent is a trap. They change the cards on the table without asking for anything. It 's the game of the three tablets with the money of a lifetime. It is true that building a pension supplement: give severance pay to feed the asset management industry.. "Who then has maintained its TFR has earned the company who has invested in funds has lost a digit! Interview with Beppe Scienza "The latest addition to the TFR has aroused great indignation, even if in fact it is not the worst. The novelty is that the Budget Law for 2010 will use those money that companies, rather than keep them in front of the severance pay of their employees to INPS have is not the worst thing, because it really affects the situation of workers, but unfortunately are other things that affect or will affect or threaten to touch the situation lavoratori.La bipartisan reform of severance pay, determined earlier by Maroni and Berlusconi and Tremonti with the government then brought forward by one year by the Prodi government, was one of the more left-handed throws pulled the Italian workers in the last decenni.Il true deception , the real trick, the real lies that is being spread by various economists scheme is another, and is the basis of the speech with which you want to get people to join the supplementary pension and it is this discourse. The pensions will be low and therefore not sufficient to integrate must transfer the TFR to pension funds, well, this is a lie pretty and good! It may well be that pensions will be low, although it is difficult to predict in 40 years will be as pensions, provide for a distance of 40 years will be as pensions, as are wages, as prices will be virtually impossible. But even if true that will be low, it is false that to have an additional return must transfer the TFR to pension funds or other insurance products: no one takes severance pay, and when cashing the settlement, if it wants to use these numbers to have and a supplementary pension, if that figure is higher than what is left instead to the poor fellow who has joined a pension fund, who has not signed a supplementary pension will be higher than those who are aderito.Ci samples, not in the noble art of making fun of the Italian workers who tell them things even ridiculous, I take a concrete example, one of these samples is called Marco Lo Conte and is a reporter for Il Sole 24 Ore, the daily bulletin of Confindustria, in which he says - I quote from Saturday, October 24, 2009 on page Plus24 4 of the charge - that "for those who do not adhere to the supplementary pension is assured trailer that is sure to be in old age, to live in a trailer without even the food cats "and this would cover 18 million of the 23 million Italian workers. Well, say that anyone who does not adhere to the supplementary pension is certain to end up living in trailer only shows that Il Sole 24 Ore lack a sense of ridicolo.Con 2010 should reach all employees of the envelopes, it appears orange, But the color is irrelevant where they are told what is likely to be their retirement. The purpose of these orange bags is to scare the workers and encourage them, push them to what? Pension funds or other insurance products. So this is what a prudent person should not own fare.Dare their money to pension funds means running two risks with the TFR does not run: the first loss - and we have seen well in 2008 - is that a crack down on financial markets face value what one has put aside, this is not bankruptcy, pension funds do not fail even mutual funds do not fail, however, can lose 90% without fail. The other risk is that inflation is starting again. What is certain is that, in front of both of these risks, a crack in the financial markets and the spread of inflation, which can also happen even both together, because sometimes the bad news comes along, who holds the TFR is quiet, because the value of severance pay is not dependent on financial markets and, if inflation, the TFR follows an excellent inflation. Now, the Minister Sacconi has repeatedly predicted that "we will start a new period of silence / assent," that is six months in which, automatically if no one decides, his money goes into funds pensione.Il TFR is good for workers, good enough for workers, good enough for companies, but does not gain the bankers, because employees take the money companies and the bank does not put in half to make his crest does not earn the insurers, which are not absolutely in the game, we should not win because fund managers do not manage anything, does not make the trade unions, because they do not have to put their men, as they put them in pension funds for managing the administration, does not earn the officials of the Confindustria and the sponsorship of other organizations, which instead in pension funds also make their own men , does not earn university teachers, no gain economists, because the TFR goes on his own, and economists can not have advice, can not be on the boards of pension funds can not earn above. In short, the TFR is something that is good only for workers and companies, not the other gains and others have tried to destroy it. Fortunately, there are still successful! "Beppe Scienza

Friday, October 30, 2009

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unsafe buildings, rents scandal in Black "Up to 2 000 € per month by the immigrants'

is who is behind the property of abandoned buildings, den of lawlessness "graded". (From CORRIERE.IT ed. Milan 31/05/2009 signed by John Santucci):

Dormitories abusive in five buildings. Waste and plants at risk
This story can begin with a question: where the Sri Lankans living selling roses at night in restaurants in Milan? Up to last March when he finished the 'last of the evacuation alert, almost all lived in one building. Santa Maria del Suffrage, number 3. Ce n 'were 300, two thirds have been removed. 'S examination of the documents is checked but the name of a company, Ilma SAS, which owns the whole building. And is linked to other companies, the same family own at least 4 other buildings, among the most degraded of Milan. Putting the pieces together, you rebuild a matter of rents (in part) in black. Stable in falling to pieces. A network of real estate borderline where many live in poor bastards with contracts and abusive rule, exploited people and drug dealers. The 'other side' s Immigration: what makes it. It fattens the coffers of a company situated in Milan's chic, ultra-luxury in a palace in Via Leopardi. That is where are the offices of Ilma-Certosa and Sangallo, two limited partnerships of the 'lawyer Alberto Magdalene and his son. A third company, Silma, is in Via Manzoni. Among their properties are the building of Santa Maria del Suffrage, where the local police has found apartments they lived up to 20 Sinhalese ('They paid up to 100 euro per head ", said the brigade). And then the stable via Gulli 1 and 3, in which he died two years ago for an immigrant monoxide fumes, and the apartments are "repeatedly rented to illegal immigrants and the scene of drug trafficking and degradation" (as explained in a statement from the municipality). And yet, three floors of a building in Viale Espinasse 104, of which the 'administrator complaint "precarious maintenance, minimum d' hygiene disregarded as dormitories housing illegal immigrants, the hazards of gas tanks." And finally, the house in Via Goldoni 84, the subject of a display at Palazzo Marino speaks of "unsafe roof, wire stray abandonment, ticks, mice (in this case the property is the sister of 'lawyer Maddalena). "It can not be a coincidence - explains De Corato -. We are faced with a strategy of intended abandonment, which can no longer be tolerated. We derive profit from the desperation of immigrants and create problems for the city. I ask the Prefect a task force to intervene in these situations. " The companies contend explaining to the City is not responsible for the occupations (in fact, are dozens of complaints against the squatters). At the heart of this story c 'is then an' old woman, Marisa Pedrazzini, who for years has collected rents on behalf of Charterhouse-Ilma and Sangallo. Among the documents collected by the Courier c 'is such a newsletter for bank Banca Intesa (unrelated to each other), that Pedrazzini signed as a receipt of 2,600 € for some Eita A. That package has the form of a receipt, an immigrant can be deceiving. But it is proof of a lease in black. Between the sheets passed off as documents, c 'is also a proposal for a contract in which it receives Pedrazzini 300 € from Jabar H. But that is not a contract: the 'immigrant' s got when the firefighters have asked the documentation and he has discovered that in fact abuse. Thus were born a number of complaints to police and funded by some immigrants. They say: "We have always paid, believed to be in order." The palace in Santa Maria del Suffrage was managed for less than a year after the study Citarella, "We have taken the 'assignment with the assurance that they would proceed to re-establish law and transparency - says Federico Citarella - but we understand that the intention was not to '. The study has thus left the 'office. "In the 'period of nine months - continues Citarella - we have not provided them to enter into any new contract, because there' were the living conditions and it was impossible to reconstruct the context of the documents." According to the reports of local health and police, in recent years in the building could not nobody live. The building "is so dilapidated and abandoned in such conditions - he wrote the police - To be put in jeopardy 's physical injury to any collapse. " Restructuring costs, rent to immigrants who agree to live in an apartment in 20 makes. As well as making renting the basement of the church avenue Espinasse "Jesus the anointed one church." The head seems so happy that in 2007 he signed a note for Mrs. Pedrazzini explaining: "As a gift for having found the basement deliver the € 3,000 in cash." With thanks.

(thank you for the photo:

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Nadine Jansen With Day

Terrorism: the" strange " If Via Gulli, Milan

the stable we knew everything that was inhabited by many people with documents irregular, which was a place "speed freak", prostitution, drug dealing and so on.
From an article by Marta Bravo for the newspaper, released October 26, 2008, appeared a very critical situation: waste, broken doors, fire, garbage. The article says that "The raid on Tuesday, performed by a hundred policemen, was used to make a sort of" census criminal ": the military, engaged in the operation from 7 to 15, have entered the two buildings, with much of sniffer dogs, identifying 130 non-residents. Fifty of them were accompanied to the barracks because without documents, 11 arrested and 20 ejected. The article ended with the promise of the deputy mayor De Corato, "While we try to locate the owner of the building we have to solve the issue from the point of view of hygiene. IntimerĂ² the property to vacate the building and close it with the concrete to the second floor, to prevent, as was the case last week that fall. "
Well, but the answer comes to him directly by his fellow coalition, the leader of the Northern League at the Palazzo Marino, Matteo Salvini. In an interview with Corriere della Sera two days later, the counselor Salvini, called reporters in front of the building vacated the previous week, he says: "This day - said the leader of the Northern League - I will ask the Prefect and the whole building at the District to vacate the property and I got the assurance that, after the intervention of the public force will work immediately to seal the building, to start rebuilding and to rent housing to people good. " (Source:, October 27, 2008).
So while De Corato sought to identify the ownership of the building, Salvini we spoke. But apparently with little effect. In fact it will be right in the den of Via Gulli that Mohamed Game, the bomber who blew himself up at the barracks S. Barbara Milano, hiding "explosive, but also documents. The apartment converted into a laboratory to manufacture bombs from the three radicals arrested in Milan, the police found not only 40 pounds of ammonium nitrate to be converted into explosives, but also a couple of documents registered to other Muslims. " (Source: The Republic, October 15, 2009).
interesting to see who is behind the ownership of this factory and other buildings "at risk" in Milan. The surprises do not end there. Just like the best "yellow", the next episode ... er, post.

(thank you for the photo:

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Masterbation In School Public

The PD meets craftsmen. It was about time!

One sign of a cultural turn? Who knows. But the meeting in Desio between the regional secretariats, provincial Monza and Brianza PD and two counselors (one regional, the other province) has the surprising. The names, in order, are: Brambilla, Martina, Tosi, Bridges. They met Monday, Oct. 19 at that Tittoni Villa Desio (MB) with a fifty artisans. They were able to express four members of the Democratic Party Lombardo their expectations, difficulties, needs: a network between companies and educational institutions, training for entrepreneurs, comparison companies, most deferred payments and interest expense deductibility of IRAP, bureaucracy more regulated, the introduction of the minimum wage for the artisans, amending the law on public procurement.
Good news.

(source: The Citizen MB, October 24, 2009, photo Tittoni VILLA, Desio, Mb)

Saturday, October 17, 2009

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But the North calls for cutting taxes

Interesting this FREE article from a newspaper directed by Maurizio Belpietro.

Yesterday the Bank of the South. The other day the bridge over the Strait. The tax issue is the great missing

Carlo Stagnaro

And taxes? Yesterday the Bank of the South. The other day the bridge over the Strait. The day before, the abolition of the provinces who comes the cavalry. The liberalization of local public services thinning, the pension reform that moves away, the subsidies that swells to Fiat, and so forth. The tax issue is the great absentee.

The inability to act on taxes is not just the political equivalent of the omission of relief, given the parlous state into which the productive fabric of the country, but also a failure very close to treason.

When, in 1994, the premier took the field, the "new Italian miracle" was the single rate, the dream of all the liberals that only a few developing nations have put into practice (with sensational results in terms of economic growth) . The rapid parable of the first Berlusconi government, the defeat of 1996, the long march through the desert and then return to Palazzo Chigi in 2001 to vaccinate center against the naive enthusiasm. But still there was talk of a radical reform of the two rates to 23 and 33 percent: Giulio Tremonti, Minister of Economy yesterday and today, he went away slamming the door. "I wanted to cut taxes and did not let me." And when he returned a year later, it took at least one piece of revenge, with a healthy pruning the rates. Then the elections, the victory for the zero point of Romano Prodi, the Counter Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa. The center said the barricades against the tax increase, he declared war on the political "tax and spend", and won the elections in 2008. Well a good.

Then came the crisis, the suffering of business especially in the north, has become more acute, the tax regime more oppressive yoke. Why give the state half of what s'incassa not make ends meet, because the tax system is so fucking complex, often because evasion is necessary for survival, other than dishonesty. And the government is doing? Spending and taxes, such as before.

In 2008, the Italians have given the Treasury settecentroventitremiliardicinquecentoquarantasettemilioni euro, equal to 46 percent of gross domestic product, while government spending has gone even higher, touching 49 per cent of GDP. The actual close of the press is much more fierce for tax payers who can not or do not want to escape, since about one quarter of the Italian economy is submerged. Add to this the enormous weight of an infinite number of rules, that complicate the lives of citizens, turning into an obstacle course of daily exercise of their activities. According to the World Bank, Italy is the country in the world centotrentacinquesimo simplicity of the tax system, not just robbed, they also want you to drown in unnecessary cards in triplicate.

Where's the Berlusconi called immoral that a levy of more than one third of the wealth? And what we're doing the League if its parliamentarians raise the subject when it comes to hand South spraying of public money but are unable to bring home that breath of fresh air in the Po Valley has damn need? And the posters that have made the electoral fortunes of the Northern League, the North goose that laid golden eggs and the pay and shut up jackass Lombard? The paradox is that there never was, on paper, a northerner government more than this: Berlusconi, the man of lower taxes for everyone, is the undisputed leader, Umberto Bossi is its closest ally and the shareholder of reference the majority, the guarantor of the relationship between the two, Tremonti, occupies the chair key Via XX Settembre. PDL League and have not caught the consensus just to build bridges or banks: do as well, but not enough and probably will not like it. The mission of which were invested is spent in the South: to respond to the North. Lower taxes and simpler. As Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher. That's why people voted for Berlusconi. Believed to buy Kaka: You who have found themselves Jankulovski?

to release, October 16, 2009

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Beata Beatrice .... Lorenzin

It takes everything. To defend our Prime Minister, Silvio Berlusconi, free from offense launched on television in Porta a Porta, 7 October, had to intervene on the. Lorenzin Beatrice, a member of the PDL which first played down the incident, then, in a crescendo of sounds, shouting, cheering and so on. said that the attack on Rosy Bindi was a time when "strong" and that the political battle to be "more beautiful than smart" is part of the battle party ...

Here is the story the chronicles of the site of the Chamber of Deputies (meeting No. 231, October 13, 2009):

"president. We have the power.

BEATRICE LORENZIN. Mr President, Mr Veil, I have listened carefully opening discussion and I would like to respond as a woman, as a member of the center first and foremost as a politician.
Too often - and this is a mistake that we as women - we invoke a defense of gender rather than on questions of fact, but often we fall into temptation (Which is not the game of women) to attack instrumental elements that make the game a mere partisan fight that has nothing to do with the issue of women and respect for women in our country (Comments from Members of the Democratic Party) .

Roberto Giachetti. What are you saying?

PRESIDENT. Gentlemen, please.

BEATRICE LORENZIN. This lack of respect shown by the fact that before you have called and requested a response from the women's center and, when the women of this Parliament we are responding, you are not even able to listen to him. And this is your attitude always, in squares, in this House, in the Commissions and newspapers (Applause Members of the People of Freedom)!
Mr Bindi is a leading member of the center is first and foremost a politician, I remember, as a child, able to fight so fierce, strong, accepting the fight very hard, since it is very tough political battle in the verbal and non- Minutes everywhere, on television, radio, newspapers, political rallies. That to which we have just witnessed was a powerful moment - I'm not saying that it was not strong, it has been - for discussion and confrontation between a representative of the majority and a minority leader that has nothing to do with membership gender.

Roberto Giachetti. But are you saying?

BEATRICE LORENZIN. I wonder, dear colleagues, ladies and gentlemen, where you were with your outrage when women leaders of this government have been insulted in every way, with violence, with tenacity, with a cannibal in the press, opposition by members of your own (the Applause Members of the People of Freedom).

ANNA PAOLA TANNING. I have protected the Carfagna!

BEATRICE LORENZIN. Where were you?


BEATRICE LORENZIN. Then, for the cause of women when we make a step back and if you really want to do the good work of women in these halls, in our committee to bring the facts, laws to promote equal opportunities for employment, against violence, against the culture of hatred, out of respect and dignity of our political action.
We need to be valued for what we are capable of. In a political confrontation and dialectic with one of my male colleagues I would have no fear to face, I do not feel offended. I feel offended when I want to put in a ghetto, a ghetto that is not mine that is the minority.
Ladies and gentlemen, let's face it: this has nothing to do verbal political confrontation between Mr Berlusconi and Mr Bindi, here we are facing a battle all party, all part of where you are not able to bring a Indeed, action, a state government in this House and we are attaching to any topic just to create conflict in our country. And this has nothing to do with the theme of women and the issue of women in Italy (Applause Members of the People of Freedom).

not know, but you said? He said the abuse of Silvio Berlusconi are read within a strong fight, party, between majority and opposition? And then you insult?
I'm sorry, but I do not understand.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

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Smog: two years in 53 000 patients

From cough to asthma, to bronchitis, heart attacks and stroke. The accused: the smog. This is the result of a study conducted in five hospitals of Milan (St. Charles, Fatebenefratelli Hospital, Niguarda Hospital, St. Paul) since 2007 to the end of 2008. The emergency room visits for problems "potentially Correll pollution" were 53,514. Peak of pollutants is an increased risk of emergency department visits in the 10-15% more. With rising costs in health and money, to rise.

(Source: Metro News on agency And Kronos, October 1, 2009)

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Man Public Masterbation

E Formigoni goes to Los Angeles

The President of the Lombardy Region, Roberto Formigoni, left yesterday for Los Angeles, United States, to participate in the summit of United Nations on the role of regional and sub-national governments with respect to climate change. "With the participation of to testify in person at the meeting of United Nations Program devolopment the important experience of the Lombardy Region in the context of environmental policies. "
sorry governor, but what are these policies?

(source E-POLIS MILAN, 3O-09-09 )

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The Acrostics Republican

Our concept of security? It 'a very different ..

So said the secretary of the Northern League of Verano Brianza, Mr. Tentori Flavio, who has asked him what he thought of the numerous fines on the nearby Valassina.
and explain things first: first Verano Brianza is a small town in the new province of Monza and Brianza.
The story: the stretch of motorway linking Milan to Lecco (Valassina fact), in the part of veranese road through the town, about two thousand motorists were immortalized dall'Autovelox the Municipal Police. Article of the road broken? Speeding. It was formed
the queue outside the town hall to pay or contest the fines. Several actions are announced to the magistrate. The newspaper
Brianza THE NATIONAL asked what he thought the group leader of the Northern League veranese Mr. Tentori.
who said: "We have received several complaints. If we want to mask the use of the safety camera with a desire to give more security to the territory, our idea of \u200b\u200bsecurity is quite another. Rather than looking at the camera for hours on Valassina , we would be much happier if our policemen were employed to control illegal immigration, to prevent theft and vandalism, and more constantly present on the territory. "
short for Mr. Tentori exceed the speed limit on a road is dangerous as Valassina question "of goat wool," while the brigade should be doing more serious things.
Sure, you could write books about the usefulness and the correctness of the fines. Very often, are given in an inflexible way of motorists for minor deficiencies. Surely there ' was the fashion, by some municipalities to give fines to make cash.
But there is no doubt the deterrent effect of sanctions. Who dares to go through the red when around the corner There is a policeman? O to exceed the speed limit in the presence of a speed camera?
Returning to the answer given by Mr. Tentori, a few lines below is belied by the facts on the same page (24, edition of September 19, 2009) where it is said that on an adjacent section (junction Giussano) have been four accidents in one day.
bad side, this does not interest us ... I wonder what they think about the families of the incidents.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

How To Make An Airhole Bandana

Promises slipped, broken promises?

Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi is a person who promises. Very.
He did it ever, when, in 1994, fell in politics. With the earthquake
Abruzzo has certainly not abandoned this his habit.
The free newspaper Metro News, an edition in a few days ago, brought together some promise, checking if it has been maintained.
The picture is bleak


July 3, 2009: "By September there will be no one in the tent," said the OECD workshop-Ministry of Economy;
Confesercenti Assembly: "On September 15 will be delivered to three thousand homes citizens and the last in November, before the arrival of cold ";
Coppito, July 16, 2009:" By September 2267 villas will be delivered ";
May 29, 2009 press conference in L'Aquila:" In September, everyone will go back to school ".


Villette delivered between 15 and 16 September 2009: 94;
earthquake houses schedule delivery of the CASE project: moved from September 21 to October 30;
Back to school: the Civil Defence is considering slip del'anno school;
people who do not yet have a home: 37,100. 11,100 remain in tents, 16,000 hotels, 10,000 inmates in private homes.

These figures, this is the reality.

Friday, September 11, 2009

How do you drain all the clandestine

Of these incidents do happen and many newspapers do not usually give it prominence. I'm talking about the "almost" tragedy happened at work in Milan, Ripamonti area. A Moroccan workers, irregular, aged 23, was found by passers-by lying on the ground, with a fracture to his head and once in the forehead. His condition is serious. Thanks also to the 118 emergency is brought to the clinic Humanitas. Vivo.
The police intervened on the spot, contact the brother and a friend of the worker, being able to go back to their place of work, a 'machine shop in the area. Reconstructs the incident. The boy had fallen on the floor banging his head after taking a strong shock while repairing a Fiat Stilo. It was used in black for some time.
The manager, Philip R, Italian, 64, initially said he was helping another employee, but must yield before the bloodstains found in the car in for repair. The manager has been under investigation for bodily harm and for hired an employee illegally. The entire hangar was seized for lack of security systems.

(Source: D-NEWS, Sept. 11, 2009)

Thursday, September 10, 2009

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to school ... the PDL in Gubbio

This afternoon at about 18.30, I was listening to the live broadcast of Radio Radical School of Education policy on the PDL in Gubbio. Council listening attentively to the words there.
First, the speaker portion of the (unfortunately I do not know who he is, I could not hear the first part of the action, if I find something on the Internet site) which was made "a mockery" of the presence of the League to the government. This person said it, in the heat of discourse, which the League screams, yells, for the exclusive use of its electorate, but in reality when parliament sits in the Roman one with the PDL
As evidence of this, citing a vote in favor of the League, the Assembly of Deputies and the Senate, at the Catania , Rome capital, Reggio Calabria, Palermo (rescheduling of the debts of these cities).
What can I say? Until now he was right.
He also hit following the intervention, which I followed from the beginning, our Foreign Minister Franco Frattini. Who has dedicated his openness to human solidarity and political Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi. Victim, in his view, disproportionate attacks by the mass media, especially foreign. The problem: not specified at least why. Does not mention, goes further.
At school, in a question, did not merit the sufficiency. Ps

little affected. The Radio Rai GR Parlamento (transmits news from the parliament and politics) have closed the program tonight at h. 22.30, giving way to the school policy PDL usually close "like chickens", to h. 21.00 at most.
Could it be that Richard Berti, Director of Radio GR PARLIAMENT fresh, coming from the Press Office of Forza Italy, wanted to pay homage to the ex-chief?

Thursday, August 27, 2009

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Alitalia, the situation does not improve

Despite the rescue service of the taxpayer, the new Alitalia is still not doing well. The punctuality rate for the month of July (outgoing flights on time or with a delay of max. 15 minutes) were 44% (data from ENAC, the National Civil Aviation Agency). Poor service luggage on time (32 minutes for domestic flights, 42 international ones) have been delivered only 68% of storage, compared to an average of the other companies of 74.5% (reference period July 2009). The rate of occupancy of the aircraft (load factor) is 60% in January-July 2009, compared to an average of 73% of other companies. For the storage problem
Vito Riggio, president of ENAC, has called on the ADR (the company settled with Alitalia. Manages the conveyor belts for luggage and a forty-year concession, expiring in 2044) to withdraw the grant and make it instantly European race.
It was important to put the license in the hands of Alitalia market. Prodi had tried but the unions had put across.
We would have spared the debt and 15 billion euro state aid in recent years. To achieve these results.

(Source: Corriere della sera, Tuesday, August 11, 2009, p.11)

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

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He sits on the steps of the monument, Moroccan woman fined

The story: Zahra, 54, is walking with her elderly mother (83 years) in the center of Brescia. The elderly mother is tired. Together they decide to sit on the steps of a monument, called Bella Italy. I am unaware of Safety Regulations Urban Municipality of Brescia, art. 7 prohibits the sit and camp out near the historical monuments. So far nothing special. Only the local police make up the two women and fined 100 euro fine for this type of infringement. Zahra, Morocco with a regular residence permit as a caregiver, has decided that from now on will be far from the Piazza della Loggia. Pay the fine.
Association "Rights for All" launched the idea of \u200b\u200ba collection to pay the fine and apologized on behalf of Brescia.
So far the news. Some thoughts: it may make sense to ban monuments to sit up and dirty, we must also offer an alternative, or benches. But here comes the fun part: junta Paroli (center right) has made them take off from the nearby Piazza Rovetta, a meeting place for immigrants. So you can not sit anyone immigrants, Italians, elderly, children, etc. who is not feeling well. etc..
also went on the internet to look for photos of this monument while not discussing the artistic value (for which I do not have sufficient competence) does not seem to be in the best possible hygiene and conservation.
Why then so much obstinacy?
E 'better apologize.

(Source: Corriere della Sera, Tuesday, August 11, 2009, chronicle York)

Monday, August 24, 2009

Maxine Cartoon For Employee Of The Year

The league is too green bans and the dam

This time the "you can not do" says the Northern League. The question is simple: the case of a dam, already planned and funded but not yet built, a thousand feet in the area of \u200b\u200bLivigno. The dam, 140 meters in length, would provide 8.5 billion kilowat year and would give a decisive contribution of 17%, the national energy requirements. Depending on the rainfall in the hydro-electric power, today, covers between 12 and 14 percent of Italian consumers.
The League says no then. The reason: the directors consider that in the Valtellina area there are already too many electrical systems and so there is no need to build more.
The plant would be located in fact at the border with Switzerland, not visible from Livigno, in practice the project will raddioppiare a plant pre-existing structures with twins, a new reservoir and another reservoir. The pumping station would be very powerful, 500-megawat, to bring the water used at high altitude.
Minister Scajola, production activities, has not said yes to the proposers (Enel, Edison, the Atel Austrian, Swiss, and EKW Lombard A2A). Work cost: € 1.6 billion. Self-financed. Timing: from 6 to 8 years. Unless the league say yes.
The article appeared in the newspaper Libero of the new director Maurizio Belpietro non-specific environmental impact in that operation.
state the reasons Company principals: lower CO2 emissions of 4.5 billion tons compared with the same production of the most polluting energy sources such as coal or natural gas, increase water resources as the new system to channel water to the basin of 'South with a capacity of 50 cubic meters per second.

(Source: Free News, Friday, August 14, 2009, p. 14)