Tuesday, May 2, 2006

Worlds Hottest Nylons

Survival Plan for Carfizzi


The need to write this program, is born not for profit but mainly for sentimental reasons, since the end of Carfizzi, it would also end the memories, feelings, colors, scents, places, and other things that is not easy to tell. But we move on to the point, in Carfizzi are not the things I've said before, there are poems or songs, or novels, it is fine but that culture is a culture that moves the sun and other stars are the money is the economy . And those who have gone from Carfizzi finally did it for the salary for the future of children, to study or even as those who said remained in the country or who have been forced to return because "there's nothing here, there is nobody left." So we have to move, get busy, without waiting for someone to give ready-made baby food, which will never happen, things like Europaridiso, because time is short and could be late, it is also the relaunch of Carfizzi she must look and work each honest and hard thinking that the smallest cog in the mechanism used to operate and must work perfectly because the country's economy begins to turn and continue to do forever, and why not also be an example for the neighborhood.

Historical notes

The primary sector has been driving for many centuries and in fact after the war was the country Carfizzi the district produced more grain due to the strength of will, the spirit of sacrifice to attachment to the land that led some citizens even in jail, to occupy those lands that are now mostly vacant. But times change, and either you adapt or take other roads, but it was hard to resist the land, which is not the plains where the climate and sometimes torrid scupper a year's work. So Germany and Northern Italy took away the young and the hopes of the country, and remittances that have arrived in the early years contributed to the building houses six floors facing increasingly empty streets. Those who have stubbornly decided to stay and work the land have been deprived of the closeness of the children who in turn went out of the country and history repeats itself. The secondary sector has never been sufficiently developed to detect any plausible, given also the lack of roads and lack of entrepreneurship in this sector is essential. Consequently, the service sector in the absence of industrial companies and contacts with the outside world was limited to some workplace by welfarism some institutions and political parties, but unfortunately, here you see the school do not expect anything good.


So what do we do? Let 's see, we have few young, many empty houses, a great climate for the holidays, we are a linguistic minority, we have the sea on its doorstep, fresh and fragrant hills, the air clear and clean, fine cuisine, a the blue sky as there was no one to look at the bright stars that you turn your head, a deep-rooted spirit of hospitality and welcome, fresh cheeses, olive oil with just good bread, wine untouched, the roads without traffic, the frame, and traditional country ... so maybe someone will tell me that I want to see the glass half full, but I think the glass is full to overflowing as well, we must find a way to drink it without wasting it and also so that there is for everyone, then I hope to explain in detail and how to correct.


So the only thing that I think can be done and focus on tourism. Involvement of the Commune, the Province, Region, State, and the European Community to bring forward a project to accommodate the largest number of tourists can be suitably housed in the homes of the country. In practice Carfizzi should become a big farm, and if it works, of course we encourage all other sectors.

Plan Application

To begin without disrupting the life of the country, and also to try and possibly some adjustments you should start with no more than 10 apartments which accommodate from 25-40 people. Of course, not only for the summer but throughout the year almost saw the market to which we must consult with the multinationals and the international tourism. In addition to the houses is also a restaurant, piano bar, which offers traditional cuisine. As for the recreational and cultural plan must set up a house museum where you can do with characters of flesh and bones as farmers lived in past centuries, a riding school for tranquil and relaxing rides between our Hills, a shop selling local food products and textiles for the period from May to September the sea from a beach where a shuttle bus runs from the village every half hour, and other initiatives will be evaluated and developed. After if things go the right way I think we can get up to 100 people and here it gets interesting for everyone. We must also make arrangements with some airlines for flights to Crotone in that the journey can often be a difficult obstacle to overcome.

Financial Plan

Having tested the project, I think we can establish a fund for real estate property management, and establish a company to legal to be determined, for the management of various activities. In principle, the thing that needs to attract tourists to be the low cost of the rental to be in these terms 100euro for a week for two weeks 150 and 200 for a month, regardless of the number of people (maximum 6), rent money will be used to pay commissions of the needle. travel. The apartments must be without a kitchen because we must aim to make money on everything revolves around people who are in the country. Of course, if the houses in the country you buy the company to immediately pay the mortgage repayments, or if they are leased to the company will pay the rent. Doing things gradually, and always standing with your feet on the ground I think that there is no need to finance major exhibitions and even to ask for contributions to local authorities. I think it is essential to the collaboration of the municipality for the house museum and the various concessions. However, expectations of employment ranging from a minimum of 20 seats early to a maximum of 150 at full capacity. with an initial turnover of € 100,000 to 1,000,000 per year starting in full swing.


Good ideas do not recognize when they are exposed, but when put into practice and are seen to work.

Joseph Pumped

Saturday, April 8, 2006

Woke Up Diarreah And Trowing Up


Milano, 30.3.2006
are Vincent's enough, I was born and raised in Carfizzi but now living in Milan.
Last year, in summer, I returned to spend the holidays.
Carfizzi is not what we have left a few years ago. Now there is nobody in the country, has been depopulated. According to the latest census of 2000 it appears that officers are around 800 residents, while people are not permanent residents in more than 500. In this second issue not covered by university students and others who are officially only for residents as they live most of the year in the city where they study or work. Certainly will not come back if you do not have a good reason.
Around the middle of August in the village, I met Affatato Agostino, the doctor. We exchanged a few words. He told me that certainly in a few years, when his children become a little large, autonomous, will return to live in Carfizzi. The same thought had expressed the last time we had met in Milan a few months earlier.
I pointed out that there is no one. Only old people, very few children to school together in mixed multi-age classes. They are closed all the grocery stores that swarmed around the 70s, 80s. There as a tailor, a shoemaker, a barber. Who knows how it will be when he wants to return, probably a ghost town.
Then I think about what has happened in recent decades: the country of peasant origin, until 1960 almost entirely populated by farmers and now is going to disappear, however, has produced a huge number of graduates and number of emigrants reasons. With so many sacrifices of the parents themselves and many young men and women of this country have a degree, have become successful professionals. I counted 84, virtually retracing the streets and alleys. I certainly some will be missed. Of these, thinking people, unfortunately, the country has been stripped forever.
While doing this reflection with Augustine. I learned, almost unconsciously, the contradictions that emerge from the discourse. A country that has produced so many minds, is going to die, while those same minds nothing can make to that country.
seems the birth of a brave mother who gives birth to a beautiful baby as she loses her life. It 's definitely a metaphor for rhetoric and sloppy, but maybe the idea.
I thought that they might otherwise do something to revive Carfizzi.
If they managed to graduate and then get a goal so important to have a mind that is sure to offer something to lift this country from a decline that seems so inexorable. I do not know what, but something can be done?
If all the talking heads, graduates and not tied to this country, could contribute synergistically to develop an idea of \u200b\u200bdevelopment Carfizzi could perhaps be reborn to new life.
of this idea I spoke with someone. With my wife Pia, who is not Carfizzi, with Augustine, with Gino Costanzo, with the former mayor in Alfieri, with Judge Domenico, with Nicola March and more. They all agreed, with enthusiasm, which is a good idea.Ma how you can make it real?
Definitely Today the conditions are right, the means, the technological tools that could help in the task. At least with regard to communication. The use of the Web can put in continuous contact those of us who want to engage in this endeavor.
I know that the road is uphill and steep, considering that it should work in a land where the issue of the South is still an issue today. Other southern reality, however, today teach that projects with serious and well organized they can revive the country. I thought to tourism, agriculture and all initiatives that could be developed around this.
I would like at least there I tried. If we fail at least we would have built a great movement which certainly will leave an important mark in the history of our country.
For the moment I can only suggest this idea to circulate among all the people of our common knowledge that they have at heart the country and its future and who want to be part of this endeavor.
available I put my e-mail to collect the signatures, the proposals and applications from those wishing to offer their time and knowledge to take the initiative forward. Even if the computer allows more rapid communications and direct answers are welcomed by mail or otherwise.
A cordial greeting
Vincenzo Just
Address study
Vincenzo Just
Viale Emilio Caldara, 29 20122 Milano
Tel 0255195424 Fax 0225462748
Home Address
Via Ettore Bugatti, 13 20142 Milan
Tel 0289305448